Abstract: Prohibits the discontinuation of cable service without prior notice.
Present law provides that the secretary of state shall issue a certificate authorizing an applicant to
offer cable service or video service.
Present law provides that the certificate issued pursuant to present law may be terminated by the
cable service provider or video service provider by submitting written notice of the termination to
the secretary of state.
Proposed law adds that if a cable service provider elects to terminate a certificate pursuant to present
and proposed law it shall notify its customers of the end of service in writing and through
announcements on the cable system at least 30 days before termination of the certificate is effective,
if the effective date of termination is within the cable service provider's control.
Present law states that any incumbent service provider shall have the option to terminate an existing
franchise previously issued by a local governmental subdivision and may instead offer cable service
or video service in such local governmental subdivision under a certificate of state franchise issued
by the secretary of state in accordance with the provisions of present law and proposed law, provided
that all requirements are satisfied by any such incumbent service provider.
Proposed law retains present law.
Present law provides that an incumbent service provider exercising its termination option shall file
a statement of termination with the secretary of state in the form of an affidavit containing the
information required by present law and submit copies of such filing with any affected local
governmental subdivision. Termination of existing franchises is effective immediately upon the
effective date of the certificate of state franchise issued by the secretary of state.
Proposed law adds that if a cable service provider exercises its termination option pursuant to present
and proposed law, the cable service provider shall notify its customers at least 30 days before
termination of the certificate is effective, if the effective date of termination is within the cable
service provider's control. The cable service provider shall notify its customers of a possible
disruption of cable service as a result of the termination of the certificate in writing and through
announcements on the cable system.
(Amends R.S. 45:1364(E) and 1365(B)(1))
Summary of Amendments Adopted by House
The Committee Amendments Proposed by House Committee on Commerce to the original bill:
1. Remove language as it relates to video service providers.
2. Clarify that a cable service provider must notify its customers of end of service if the date
of termination is within the provider's control.

Statutes affected:
HB308 Original: 45:1364(E), 45:1365(B)(1)
HB308 Engrossed: 45:1364(E), 45:1365(B)(1)
HB308 Enrolled: 45:1364(E), 45:1365(B)(1)
HB308 Act : 45:1364(E), 45:1365(B)(1)