The original instrument and the following digest, which constitutes no part of the
legislative instrument, were prepared by Hanna Gettys.
SB 29 Engrossed 2024 Regular Session Miller
Present law (R.S. 9:374) authorizes the court to award the use and occupancy of community
movables or immovables to either spouse, after a petition for divorce is filed, and prior to partition.
Proposed law retains present law and requires the court to consider certain factors in determining the
allocation of community property, including the liquidity of community assets, the history of
domestic violence, and the history of financial control.
Present law (R.S. 9:375) authorizes the award of attorney fees in support, contribution, and visitation
Proposed law retains present law and additionally authorizes an award of attorney fees in actions
allocating the use of community property if either party causes unreasonable delay.
Effective August 1, 2024.
(Amends R.S. 9:374(G)(2); adds R.S. 9:375(C))

Statutes affected:
SB29 Original: 9:374(G)(2)
SB29 Engrossed: 9:374(G)(2)
SB29 Enrolled: 9:374(G)(2)
SB29 Act 89: 9:374(G)(2)