Abstract: Provides for the abolition of the office of police chief in the village of Martin and
authorizes the municipality to contract for law enforcement services.
Present law provides that the officers of every municipality governed by the provisions of the
Lawrason Act (mayor-board of alderman form of government) shall be a mayor, aldermen, a chief
of police, a tax collector, and a clerk.
Present law (R.S. 33:362(C)) provides that any department of such a municipality, other than the
police department in a municipality with an elected chief of police, shall be created, abolished,
merged, or consolidated by the board of aldermen, upon the written recommendation of the mayor.
Present law provides for at-large election of the mayor and police chief in all municipalities. Further
provides for exceptions with respect to the chief of police in certain municipalities.
Proposed law provides an exception for the office of police chief in the village of Martin. Provides
that the board of aldermen may, upon the recommendation of the mayor, abolish the office of police
chief. Provides that the office cannot be abolished until the end of the term of the police chief in
office at the time of that action or when a vacancy occurs in the office, whichever occurs first;
however, if at the time of that action the office is filled by an officer temporarily appointed, the
abolition of the office will become effective as provided by ordinance.
Proposed law provides that if the office of police chief and the police department are abolished
pursuant to proposed law and present law, the mayor and board of aldermen may contract with any
law enforcement entity or officer within Red River Parish for police services.
Effective upon signature of governor or lapse of time for gubernatorial action.
(Adds R.S. 33:381(C)(36))