Abstract: Authorizes school boards and governing authorities of parishes with a population of
125,000 or more to utilize a consent agenda during certain public meetings.
Present law provides that for meetings of all public bodies, except the legislature, each item on the
agenda shall be listed separately and described with reasonable specificity. Before the public body
may take any action on an agenda item, the presiding officer or his designee shall read aloud the
description of the item. Proposed law retains present law.
Present law provides as an exception to present law that if an agenda of a meeting of certain
governing authorities contains more than 50 items, the governing authority may take action on items
listed on a consent agenda without reading the description of each item aloud. However, before any
action is taken on items listed on a consent agenda, the governing authority shall allow a public
comment period. Authorizes an individual member of the governing authority to remove an item
from a consent agenda if he provides reasons for individual discussion at the meeting.
Present law exception applies to the following:
(1) The governing authority of a parish with a population of 200,000 or more.
(2) The governing authority of a municipality with a population of 100,000 or more.
Proposed law instead provides the present law exception applies to the following:
(1) The governing authority of a parish with a population of 125,000 or more.
(2) The parish school board in a parish with a population of 125,000 or more.
(3) The governing authority of a municipality with a population of 100,000 or more.
(Amends R.S. 42:19(A)(1)(b)(ii)(dd))

Statutes affected:
HB95 Original: 42:19(A)(1)
HB95 Engrossed: 42:19(A)(1)
HB95 Enrolled: 42:19(A)(1)
HB95 Act : 42:19(A)(1)