Abstract: Amends the exception to the unauthorized use of sperm, ovum, or embryo under certain
Present law provides that the unauthorized use of sperm, ovum, or embryo is when a person
knowingly does either of the following:
(1) Uses a sperm, ovum, or embryo, through the use of assisted reproduction technology, for any
purpose other than that indicated by the sperm, ovum, or embryo provider's signature on a
written consent form.
(2) Implants a sperm, ovum, or embryo, through the use of assisted reproduction technology, into
a recipient who is not the sperm, ovum, or embryo provider, without the signed written
consent of the sperm, ovum, or embryo provider and recipient.
Present law further provides that a knowing violation of present law shall be grounds for immediate
revocation of the violator's professional license.
Proposed law retains present law.
Present law provides that present law shall not apply to the use by a surviving spouse of the human
ova or sperm of the deceased spouse in order to conceive a child, provided that prior to his death the
deceased spouse signed a consent form authorizing such a donation.
Proposed law amends present law to remove the condition that a deceased spouse sign a consent
form, prior to his death, that authorizes a donation of human ova or sperm.
Proposed law shall not apply to a spouse who requests the use of the human ova or sperm of the
other spouse in order to conceive a child.
Effective upon signature of governor or lapse of time for gubernatorial action.
(Amends R.S. 14:101.2(D))
Summary of Amendments Adopted by House
The Committee Amendments Proposed by House Committee on Administration of Criminal
Justice to the original bill:
1. Provide an additional exception to present law for a spouse who requests the use of the
human ova or sperm of the other spouse in order to conceive a child.

Statutes affected:
HB60 Original: 14:2(D)
HB60 Engrossed: 14:2(D)
HB60 Enrolled: 14:2(D)
HB60 Act : 14:2(D)