Abstract: Requires that the chief of police of the village of Pine Prairie reside within the corporate
limits of the village.
Present law requires an elected chief of police of a village to reside within the boundaries of the
parish in which the village is located.
Present law, applicable to other municipalities, requires that the police chief reside in the
municipality and requires a candidate for police chief to have lived in the municipality for the year
preceding qualifying for the office.
Proposed law makes an exception for the village of Pine Prairie and requires that the chief of police
reside within the corporate boundaries of the village and requires a candidate to have lived in the
village for the year preceding qualifying.
(Amends R.S. 33:385.1(B))

Statutes affected:
HB50 Original: 33:1(B)
HB50 Engrossed: 33:1(B)
HB50 Enrolled: 33:1(B)
HB50 Act : 33:1(B)