Abstract: Exempts certain persons from the crime of illegal carrying of weapons and removes the
requirement that a person possess a permit issued by the state of La. in order to carry a
concealed handgun in the state of La.
Present law (R.S. 14:95) prohibits the carrying of a concealed firearm, provides for criminal
penalties, and provides for certain exceptions to the offense.
Proposed law amends present law to create an exception to this prohibition for a person located in
La. who is 18 years of age or older and who is not prohibited from possessing a firearm under any
federal or state law.
Proposed law (R.S. 14:95(N)) provides that any person carrying a weapon pursuant to proposed law
(R.S. 14:95(M)) shall be subject to the restrictions contained in present law (R.S. 40:1379.3(M) and
Present law (R.S. 40:1379.3) provides that La. residents who meet certain eligibility requirements
may apply for and be issued a concealed handgun permit authorizing the person to carry a concealed
handgun on his person in the state of La. Further requires the person to possess a valid concealed
handgun permit issued by the state of La. in order to carry a concealed handgun in the state of La.
Proposed law retains present law.
Present law (R.S. 40:1379.3(B)(2)(a)) provides that a La. resident who meets the qualifications of
present law (R.S. 14:95(M)) shall not be required to possess a valid concealed handgun permit issued
by the state of La. pursuant to present law in order to carry a concealed handgun in the state of La.
Further provides that the provisions of present law shall not affect the requirements of reciprocity.
Proposed law amends present law to provide that a person who meets the qualifications of present
law (R.S. 14:95(M)) shall not be required to possess a valid concealed handgun permit issued by the
state of La. pursuant to present law in order to carry a concealed handgun in the state of La.
(Amends R.S. 14:95(M)(1) and (2) and R.S. 40:1379.3(B)(2)(a); Adds R.S. 14:95(N); Repeals R.S.

Statutes affected:
HB11 Original: 14:95(M)(1), 40:3(M), 40:3(B)(2), 14:95(M)(3)