This bill amends Louisiana's law regarding the nonconsensual disclosure of private images by modifying the definition of the offense and adding specific elements. The existing law is amended to clarify that a person commits this offense when they intentionally disclose an image of another person who is seventeen years of age or older, identifiable from the image, and who is either engaged in a sexual performance or has their intimate parts exposed.
Additionally, the bill introduces a new definition for "sexual performance," which encompasses any performance that includes actual or simulated sexual acts, such as sexual intercourse, deviate sexual intercourse, and lewd exhibitions of the genitals or anus. This change aims to provide clearer guidelines for prosecuting cases of nonconsensual image disclosure and to enhance protections for individuals against such violations.
Statutes affected: HB12 Original: 14:2(A)(1)
HB12 Engrossed: 14:2(A)(1)
HB12 Reengrossed: 14:2(A)(1)
HB12 Enrolled: 14:2(A)(1)
HB12 Act : 14:2(A)(1)