HB 182 2023 Regular Session Edmonston
Present law requires each person entering any school (licensed day care centers, elementary
and secondary schools, and colleges/universities) for the first time to present satisfactory
evidence of immunity to or immunization against vaccine-preventable diseases according to
a schedule approved by the office of public health (OPH) or to present evidence of an
immunization program in progress. Exempts a student seeking to enter any such school or
facility from this requirement if he submits a written statement from a doctor relative to
medical contraindication or a written dissent. Proposed law would have additionally
exempted college students who only register for online courses.
Present law provides that the schedule may provide specific requirements based on age,
grade in school, or type of school. Authorizes a school, with OPH approval, to require
immunizations or proof of immunity more extensive than required by the OPH schedule.
Proposed law would have prohibited, notwithstanding present law, requiring a person to
receive a COVID-19 vaccine as a condition of initial enrollment or continuing attendance at
such a school (public or nonpublic).
(Proposed to amend R.S. 17:170(F); Proposed to add R.S. 17:170(A)(4) and (G))
"Please be advised that I have vetoed House Bill 182 of the Regular Session of 2023.
As I wrote in my veto message for a similar bill, House Bill 54 of the 2022 Regular Session,
'the bill is unnecessary and perpetuates the false narrative that the residents of Louisiana face
vaccine mandates to access government services or attend schools. This is not the case. The
bill also seeks to undermine public confidence in vaccines, which are safe, effective, and
essential to public health.'
What was true a year ago remains true now. I continue to have the utmost confidence in our
Department of Health to protect the health and safety of the people of Louisiana, and I trust
its judgment and expertise in matters of public health. For these reasons, I have vetoed the
Accordingly, House Bill 182 will not become law."

Statutes affected:
HB182 Enrolled: 17:170(F)