ACT 6 (HB 6) 2023 Regular Session Hughes
Existing law provides requirements for meetings of the Bd. of Regents and the Southern
University and University of La. boards of supervisors.
Prior law required the boards to meet on or before the second Mon. in Jan. of each year.
New law retains requirement that the boards meet in Jan. but removes specific day by which
they are required to meet.
Existing law provides that the boards shall meet at other times fixed by the board or upon
call of the president/chairman.
Effective August 1, 2023.
(Amends R.S. 17:1833(E), 1853(E), and 3123(E))

Statutes affected:
HB6 Original: 17:3123(E)
HB6 Engrossed: 17:1833(E), 17:1853(E), 17:3123(E)
HB6 Enrolled: 17:1833(E), 17:1853(E), 17:3123(E)
HB6 Act : 17:1833(E), 17:1853(E), 17:3123(E)