ACT 602 (HB 42) 2022 Regular Session Frieman
Existing law provides that certain retired persons shall not be prohibited from possessing and
concealing a handgun on their person when such persons are qualified annually in the use of
firearms by P.O.S.T.
Existing law also provides for an exception that existing law shall not apply to certain retired
persons who are medically retired based on any mental impairment or who have plead guilty
or nolo contendere to or have been found guilty of a felony offense.
New law retains existing law and adds retired justices of the peace to the list of certain retired
persons who are not prohibited from possessing and concealing a handgun when the person
is qualified annually by P.O.S.T.
Effective August 1, 2022.
(Amends R.S. 14:95(K))

Statutes affected:
HB42 Original: 14:95(K)
HB42 Engrossed: 14:95(K)
HB42 Enrolled: 14:95(K)
HB42 Act : 14:95(K)