Abstract: Provides for civil liability of interactive computer services that restrict a user's account
or content based on race, gender, political ideology, or religious beliefs.
Proposed law provides for civil liability for the owner, operator, or provider of an interactive
computer service who restricts a user's account or content based on race, gender, political ideology,
or religious beliefs.
Proposed law provides that the interactive computer service must provide written notice to the user
within 24 hours of restriction.
Proposed law provides that the interactive computer service shall be liable to a user whose account
or content was restricted and a user who reasonably would have received or viewed another user's
content but for the restriction.
Proposed law provides for a prescription of two years from when the violation was discovered or
reasonably should have been discovered.
Proposed law provides for a jury trial.
Proposed law provides for damages including actual damages, statutory damages of $50,000 per
violation, and court costs, fees, and reasonable attorney fees.
Proposed law authorizes the attorney general to investigate alleged violations.
Proposed law is only applicable to interactive computer services with more than 10,000,000 users.
(Adds R.S. 9:2800.28)