Abstract: Provides relative to the minimum requirements for instructional time at public schools.
Present law, applicable to public school grades 1 - 12, requires that a school day consist of at least
360 minutes of instructional time, exclusive of all recesses, and a school year consist of at least 177
days of instruction. Proposed law retains present law.
Proposed law provides that instructional time does not include any of the following:
(1) Independent, ungraded work and enrichment activities that are not led by a teacher or staff
(2) Lunch.
(3) Parent-teacher conferences.
(4) Schoolwide teacher training and professional development.
(5) Time between classes.
Proposed law requires public school governing authorities to use modified instructional formats and
schedules to ensure students receive the minimum required instructional time pursuant to present law
regardless of a natural disaster or an emergency declared by the governor.
(Amends R.S. 17:154.1(A)(1); Adds R.S. 17:154.1(C))

Statutes affected:
HB58 Original: 17:1(A)