Summary of Original Version

Amend KRS 164.773, relating to the Student Teacher Stipend Program, to specify that an eligible student is a Kentucky resident as determined by the Kentucky Higher Education Assistance Authority (authority) and is student teaching at a Kentucky public school or certified nonpublic school; specify that the authority shall disburse stipend funds to eligible students directly or through the participating institution; allow the authority to establish criteria for an eligible student who is student teaching outside of Kentucky but is otherwise eligible.

Summary of Amendment: House Committee Substitute 1

Summary Retain original provisions; amend KRS 164.769 to remove expected family income from the selection criteria for the teacher scholarship; amend KRS 164.7889 to conform.

Summary of Amendment: House Committee Amendment 1 -- J. Tipton

Summary Make title amendment.

Statutes affected:
Introduced: 164.773
House Committee Substitute 1: 164.773, 164.769, 164.7889
Current: 164.773, 164.769, 164.7889