Summary of Original Version

Amend KRS 158.6453 to define "advanced coursework"; require each local board of education develop an accelerated learning plan for students with identified strengths; direct local board of education to adopt policies for advanced coursework in designated subject areas; establish a reporting requirement for the Kentucky Department of Education related to the number of accelerated learning courses offered, the demographics of eligible students, the number of students placed in those courses, and the number of students not placed in those courses; amend KRS 160.348 to direct school-based decision making councils to adopt designated policies relating to advanced courses; provide that students who meet certain criteria shall be granted automatic enrollment in advanced coursework; provide that a student shall not be withdrawn or excluded from advanced coursework without written parental consent.

Summary of Amendment: House Committee Substitute 1

Summary Delete original provisions; amend KRS 158.6453 to define "advanced coursework"; require each local board of education to develop a district plan for advanced coursework and accelerated learning; establish minimum requirements for the plan; establish permissive components of the plan; direct the Kentucky Board of Education to promulgate administrative regulations related to the district plan; direct the Department of Education to establish guidelines; amend KRS 160.348 to direct school-based decision making councils to adopt designated policies relating to advanced courses and accelerated learning.

Statutes affected:
Introduced: 158.6453, 160.348
House Committee Substitute 1: 158.6453, 160.348