Summary of Original Version

Amend various sections of the Kentucky Revised Statutes to change "conservation officer" to "game warden"; amend KRS 16.065 to remove water safety enforcement from the duties of the Department of Kentucky State Police; amend KRS 150.010 to define terms; amend KRS 150.025 to allow the Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources to regulate water safety enforcement; amend KRS 150.175 to establish a resident and nonresident outfitter license; change commercial guide's license to guide's license and make changes to conform with the outfitter license; amend KRS 150.190 and KRS 186.675 to conform.

Summary of Amendment: House Committee Substitute 1

Summary Retain original provisions, except delete Section 7 of the Act that amended KRS 150.021.

Summary of Amendment: House Floor Amendment 1 -- S. Maddox

Summary Change definition of "dependent child" to include stepchildren, children in care of fictive kin, and children who reside part time on the land pursuant to a custody agreement.

Summary of Amendment: House Floor Amendment 2 -- S. Rudy

Summary Add a new section amending KRS 511.070 to allow notice of trespass to be given through the placement of identifying purple paint marks on property.

Summary of Amendment: House Floor Amendment 3 -- S. Rudy

Summary Make title amendment.

Summary of Amendment: Senate Floor Amendment 1 -- G. Boswell

Summary Amend KRS 150.170 to allow a bona fide resident landowner and other authorized persons to take fish from any lake or pond located on the owner's property without procuring a sport fishing license.

Statutes affected:
Introduced: 15.420, 15.440, 15.460, 15.519, 16.065, 150.010, 150.021, 150.025, 150.090, 150.095, 150.097, 150.105, 150.110, 150.120, 150.170, 150.172, 150.175, 150.190, 150.390, 150.411, 150.425, 150.990, 186.675, 189.910, 527.020
Acts Chapter 159: 15.420, 15.440, 15.460, 15.519, 16.065, 150.010, 150.025, 150.090, 150.095, 150.097, 150.105, 150.110, 150.120, 150.170, 150.172, 150.175, 150.190, 150.390, 150.411, 150.425, 150.990, 186.675, 189.910, 527.020
House Committee Substitute 1: 15.420, 15.440, 15.460, 15.519, 16.065, 150.010, 150.025, 150.090, 150.095, 150.097, 150.105, 150.110, 150.120, 150.170, 150.172, 150.175, 150.190, 150.390, 150.411, 150.425, 150.990, 186.675, 189.910, 527.020
Current/Final: 15.420, 15.440, 15.460, 15.519, 16.065, 150.010, 150.025, 150.090, 150.095, 150.097, 150.105, 150.110, 150.120, 150.170, 150.172, 150.175, 150.190, 150.390, 150.411, 150.425, 150.990, 186.675, 189.910, 527.020
Current: 15.420, 15.440, 15.460, 15.519, 16.065, 150.010, 150.025, 150.090, 150.095, 150.097, 150.105, 150.110, 150.120, 150.170, 150.172, 150.175, 150.190, 150.390, 150.411, 150.425, 150.990, 186.675, 189.910, 527.020