Summary of Original Version

Amend KRS 205.536 to prohibit the Department for Medicaid Services or a Medicaid managed care organization from requiring or using certain utilization reviews for prescription drugs that contain Naloxone; amend KRS 304.17A-611 to prohibit insurers from requiring or using certain utilization reviews for prescription drugs that contain Naloxone.

Summary of Amendment: House Committee Substitute 1

Summary Retain original provisions, except replace "naloxone" with "an opioid antagonist"; provide Section 2 of the Act applies to health benefit plans issued or renewed after January 1, 2025; EFFECTIVE, in part, January 2025.

Statutes affected:
Introduced: 205.536
Acts Chapter 155: 205.536
House Committee Substitute 1: 205.536
Current/Final: 205.536
Current: 205.536