Summary of Original Version

Create a new section of KRS Chapter 625 to allow a parent to voluntarily terminate his or her parental rights during the pendency of a proceeding under KRS Chapter 620, relating to dependency, neglect, and abuse actions, by signing a consent form prescribed by the Administrative Office of the Courts and filing the form with the court; amend KRS 625.020 and 625.041 to conform.

Summary of Amendment: House Committee Substitute 1

Summary Retain original provisions, except require the consent form to include a statement that the consent was voluntary and informed and specifying the consenting person's relationship to the child; require notification of any withdrawal of consent to be sent to the proposed adoptive parent, if any; require a finding by the court that termination would be in the best interest of the child before entering a termination order.

Statutes affected:
Introduced: 625.020, 625.041
Acts Chapter 37: 625.020, 625.041
House Committee Substitute 1: 625.020, 625.041
Current: 625.020, 625.041