Summary of Original Version

Amend KRS 241.010 to make a technical correction; amend KRS 241.060 and 243.540 to allow the Alcoholic Beverage Control board to dispose of alcoholic beverages through public auction; promulgate administrative regulations to establish auction procedures; donate all auction proceeds to the alcohol wellness and responsibility education fund; amend KRS 243.030 to create a $300 annual vintage distilled spirits license fee; amend KRS 243.110 to authorize the holder of a primary license to also hold a vintage distilled spirits license; amend KRS 243.232 to restructure vintage distilled spirits licenses and sales; allow a licensee who may sell distilled spirits by the drink or package to receive a vintage distilled spirits license as a supplementary license; require vintage distilled spirits licensees to file a monthly report with the department giving details about sellers and purchase types, dates, and quantities; require all purchases to be in-person at the licensed premises; direct the licensee to conspicuously label the purchase as vintage distilled spirits; limit a licensee to 24 vintage distilled spirits packages purchased from each seller every 12 months; limit the seller to 24 packages total every 12 months; amend KRS 243.360 to give an applicant the option to advertise intent to apply for a license on the department's website or in another manner to be determined by the department and to exempt a vintage distilled spirits license applicant from the public notice advertising requirement; amend KRS 243.990 to establish penalties for vintage distilled spirits sellers who exceed the maximum package limit; amend KRS 211.285 to rename the "malt beverage education fund" as the "alcohol wellness and responsibility education fund"; add proceeds from Alcoholic Beverage Control Board distilled spirit auctions to the fund; issue moneys from the fund to the Alcohol Wellness and Responsibility Education Corporation; require the corporation's board of directors to include as voting members all duly elected statewide constitutional officers, the secretary of the Public Protection Cabinet, the ABC commissioner, and representatives of the malt beverage and distilled spirits industries; add the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House as nonvoting members; authorize the corporation to accept grant applications from Kentucky high schools, colleges and universities, and other entities that promote alcohol responsibility; increase Project Graduation grants to $1,000 annually.

Summary of Amendment: House Committee Substitute 1

Summary Retain original provisions, except allow an alcohol license applicant to publish its intention to apply for a license either online or in print; make a seller who exceeds the annual package limit for vintage distilled spirits guilty of a Class D felony for the second or a subsequent offense; add a representative of the Kentucky Malt Beverage Council to the board of directors for the Alcohol Wellness and Responsibility Education Corporation; remove LRC appointment of industry members of the board.

Summary of Amendment: House Committee Substitute 2

Summary Retain original provisions, except decrease the minimum number of passengers from 100 to 40 in the definition of "riverboat"; direct the board to only auction alcoholic beverages where a final order has been issued after all appeals are exhausted; amend KRS 241.066 to allow one quota retail package license for every 2,000 residents in any wet county or urban-county government with more than 100,000 residents; amend KRS 241.069 to permit a city, county, or urban-county government to petition for an increase in the number of quota retail package licenses; create new sections of KRS Chapter 242 and 243 to authorize a precinct local option election to allow the sale of alcoholic beverages at marinas; set petition and ballot language; establish marina definition and qualifications for a local option election and licensure; make marinas eligible for retail package and drink licenses; exempt marina licenses from quota totals for the territory; amend KRS 242.021 to prohibit a city, county, or urban-county government from seeking a quota retail package license increase until at least one year after the certification of the local option election; create a new section of KRS Chapter 243 to establish requirements for persons delivering alcoholic beverages on behalf of a retail package licensee; amend KRS 243.200 to remove vehicle requirement provisions from a transporter's license; allow an alcohol license applicant to publish its intention to apply for a license either online or in print; make a seller who exceeds the annual package limit for vintage distilled spirits guilty of a Class D felony for the second or a subsequent offense; create a new section of KRS Chapter 244 to establish procedures for department seizure of alcoholic beverages; require the department to provide notice of violations within 14 days from the date of the seizure; return the alcoholic beverages to the licensee if the department fails to provide notice; allow the licensee to request a KRS Chapter 13B hearing before the board to determine if the seizure was justified; enable the licensee to appeal the board's final order to the Circuit Court of the county where the seizure occurred; appoint a representative of the Kentucky Malt Beverage Council to the board of directors for the Alcohol Wellness and Responsibility Education Corporation; remove LRC appointment of industry members of the board; amend KRS 242.125 to conform; EMERGENCY.

Summary of Amendment: House Committee Amendment 1 -- M. Koch

Summary Make title amendment.

Summary of Amendment: House Floor Amendment 1 -- R. Palumbo

Summary Prohibit any quota retail package license increase in a local government from exceeding a five percent growth in the number of quota retail package licenses within the local government; require a local government to wait at least two years after a quota retail package local option election before requesting an increase in the original number of quota retail package licenses.

Summary of Amendment: House Floor Amendment 2 -- M. Koch

Summary Remove criminal penalties for violations by a vintage distilled spirits seller; fine a vintage distilled spirits seller $500 for the first offense, $2,500 for the second offense, and $5,000 for the third and each subsequent offense.

Summary of Amendment: Senate Committee Substitute 1

Summary Retain original provisions, except delete all sections relating to local option elections for marina alcoholic beverage sales.

Statutes affected:
Introduced: 241.010, 241.060, 243.030, 243.110, 243.232, 243.360, 243.540, 243.990, 211.285
House Committee Substitute 1: 241.010, 241.060, 243.030, 243.110, 243.232, 243.360, 243.540, 243.990, 211.285
House Committee Substitute 2: 241.010, 241.060, 241.066, 241.069, 242.021, 243.030, 243.110, 243.200, 243.232, 243.360, 243.540, 243.990, 211.285, 242.125
Senate Committee Substitute 1: 241.010, 241.060, 241.066, 241.069, 242.021, 243.030, 243.110, 243.200, 243.232, 243.360, 243.540, 243.990, 211.285
Current: 241.010, 241.060, 241.066, 241.069, 242.021, 243.030, 243.110, 243.200, 243.232, 243.360, 243.540, 243.990, 211.285, 242.125