Summary of Original Version
Create new sections of KRS Chapter 231 to express the findings of the General Assembly relating to adult-oriented businesses and the need for regulation; define terms; establish distance parameters for the location of adult-oriented businesses in proximity to identified entities and locations; establish transition provisions for existing businesses; affirm the authority of local governmental units to supplement regulation of adult-oriented businesses; EMERGENCY.
Summary of Amendment: Senate Committee Substitute 1
Retain original provisions, except remove reference to obscene material and replace with obscene matter as defined in 531.010; remove definition of "drag performance" and amend definition of "adult cabaret" to include establishments featuring certain specified drag performances; remove colleges and universities from the definition of "educational occupancy."
Summary of Amendment: Senate Floor Amendment 1 -- K. Berg
Retain original provisions, except to amend the definition of "adult cabaret" to remove establishments featuring certain specified drag performances.
Summary of Amendment: Senate Floor Amendment 2 -- A. Mays Bledsoe
Remove provisions that require an existing commercial establishment to relocate to comply with the location requirements.
Summary of Amendment: Senate Floor Amendment 3 -- L. Tichenor
Delete reference of commercial use relating to an adult-oriented business; remove property values, urban blight, and litter from the listing of adverse secondary effects associated with adult-oriented businesses; remove the word "drag" from the definition of adult cabaret.
Summary of Amendment: House Committee Substitute 1
Retain original provisions; remove declarations; establish exemption from restriction on location of existing businesses; remove standing of a resident of the county to initiate a civil action for any violations; make technical corrections.
Summary of Amendment: House Floor Amendment 1 -- N. Tate
Amend the definitions of adult cabaret and adult-oriented business to replace predominantly with regularly.
Summary of Amendment: House Floor Amendment 2 -- R. Roberts
Retain original provisions except delete the portion of the definition of adult cabaret that includes a performance while exhibiting an exaggerated gender expression that is inconsistent with the biological sex of the performer.