Summary of Original Version

Retain original provisions; direct the director of the Division of Real Property Boards and the chair of each board to submit written recommendations to the Public Protection Cabinet regarding sufficient staffing needs; require the Public Protection Cabinet to consider the staffing recommendations and requests submitted by the executive director of the Kentucky Real Estate Authority, the director of the Division of Real Property Boards, and the chair of each board; require the executive director of the Kentucky Real Estate Authority and the director of the Division of Real Property Boards to have a minimum of seven years of experience in the real estate industry within the last 15 years; require the Public Protection Cabinet to provide the division, the authority, and boards with documentation showing the income and expenditures of all license fees; establish a grace period for licensees who began their continuing education prior to December 31; establish the conditions upon which a license may be canceled; amend various other sections to conform.

Summary of Amendment: House Committee Substitute 1

Summary Retain original provisions; direct the director of the Division of Real Property Boards and the chair of each board to submit written recommendations to the Public Protection Cabinet regarding sufficient staffing needs; require the Public Protection Cabinet to consider the staffing recommendations and requests submitted by the director of the Kentucky Real Estate Authority, the Division of Real Property Boards, and the chair of each board; require the executive director of the Kentucky Real Estate Authority and the director of the Division of Real Property Boards to have a minimum of seven years of experience in the real estate industry within the last 15 years; require the Public Protection Cabinet to provide the division, the authority, and boards with documentation showing the income and expenditures of all license fees; establish a grace period for licensees who began their continuing education prior to December 31; establish the conditions upon which a license may be canceled; amend various other sections to conform.

Summary of Amendment: House Floor Amendment 1 -- D. Meade

Summary Retain original provisions; require the chair of the Kentucky Real Estate Commission to submit written recommendations to the secretary of the Public Protection Cabinet regarding staffing needs and relevant experience necessary to carry out the functions of the commission; and direct the secretary of the Public Protection Cabinet to consider the staffing recommendations and requests submitted by the chair.

Summary of Amendment: Senate Committee Substitute 1

Summary Retain original provisions, except amend the continuing education grace periods to reflect the continuing education deadlines established by the boards.

Summary of Amendment: Senate Floor Amendment 1 -- D. Thayer

Summary Retain original provisions; amend the continuing education deadlines for real property boards.

Statutes affected:
Introduced: 198B.704, 198B.706, 198B.728, 324.200, 324.281, 324A.015, 324A.020, 324A.052, 324A.154, 324B.050, 324B.030, 324B.060, 330.050, 330.130, 324B.010
Acts Chapter 182: 198B.724, 324.085, 324A.045, 330.070, 198B.704, 198B.706, 198B.728, 324.281, 324A.015, 324A.020, 324A.052, 324A.154, 324B.050, 324B.030, 324B.060, 330.050, 330.130, 324B.010
House Committee Substitute 1: 198B.724, 324.085, 324A.045, 330.070, 198B.704, 198B.706, 198B.728, 324.281, 324A.015, 324A.020, 324A.052, 324A.154, 324B.050, 324B.030, 324B.060, 330.050, 330.130, 324B.010
Senate Committee Substitute 1: 198B.724, 324.085, 324A.045, 330.070, 198B.704, 198B.706, 198B.728, 324.281, 324A.015, 324A.020, 324A.052, 324A.154, 324B.050, 324B.030, 324B.060, 330.050, 330.130, 324B.010
Current/Final: 198B.724, 324.085, 324A.045, 330.070, 198B.704, 198B.706, 198B.728, 324.281, 324A.015, 324A.020, 324A.052, 324A.154, 324B.050, 324B.030, 324B.060, 330.050, 330.130, 324B.010
Current: 198B.724, 324.085, 324A.045, 330.070, 198B.704, 198B.706, 198B.728, 324.281, 324A.015, 324A.020, 324A.052, 324A.154, 324B.050, 324B.030, 324B.060, 330.050, 330.130, 324B.010