Summary of Original Version

Amend KRS 439.3401 to amend the definition of "violent offender" to include the attempted commission of any offense listed, a felony involving the death of the victim or serious physical injury to a victim, burglary in the first degree as described in KRS 511.020 if a person other than a participant in the crime was present in the building during the commission of the offense, burglary in the second degree as described in KRS 511.030 if a person other than participant in the crime was present in the dwelling during the commission of the offense, robbery in the second degree as described in KRS 515.030, arson in the first degree, arson in the second degree, and strangulation in the first degree; provide that a violent offender shall serve at least 85 percent of the sentence imposed before probation, shock probation, parole, conditional discharge, or other form of early release is permitted; provide that a violent offender shall only recieve credit on their sentence for time spent in custody prior to the commencement of the sentence; amend KRS 525.045 to conform.

Statutes affected:
Introduced: 439.3401, 525.045