Summary of Original Version

Create new sections of KRS 164 to define terms; establish the Kentucky healthcare workforce investment fund to enable the CPE, healthcare programs, and healthcare providers and facilities to match public and private dollars for the purpose of awarding scholarships to eligible students and healthcare incentives to eligible healthcare programs; provide that the moneys in the fund appropriated by the General Assembly shall lapse after the second year in a biennium budget; direct CPE to promulgate regulations to administer the Act; require at least 65% of all net moneys in the fund to be used to fund partnership proposals between healthcare programs and healthcare partners to issue scholarships to students enrolled in the healthcare program; require CPE to establish a process to prioritize certain partnership proposals; require a written partnership contract and establish the minimum contents; require that scholarships be issued directly to students and establish employment requirements for recipients; permit a healthcare partner to contract for additional employment restrictions; provide that individuals on the nurse aide abuse registry are not eligible for scholarships; require that up to 35% of moneys in the fund shall be reserved for healthcare program incentives to award excellence in healthcare programs; establish the criteria for CPE to consider in awarding healthcare program incentives; require that the healthcare program incentives be competitive; restrict the use of healthcare program incentive awards; require CPE to report to specific interim joint committees annually; establish the minimum contents of the report; require public postsecondary educational institution to report to specific committees annually; establish the minimum contents of the report; APPROPRIATION; EMERGENCY.

Summary of Amendment: House Committee Substitute 1

Summary Retain all provisions; expand the list of eligible healthcare credentials to include social work licenses and certificates and behavior analyst licenses; require the administrative regulations to be filed by July 1, 2023; require the Council on Postsecondary Education to submit draft administrative regulations, a detailed implementation plan, and other documents required by KRS Chapter 13A to the Interim Joint Committee on Education and the Interim Joint Committee on Health, Welfare, and Family Services at least 30 days before filing.

Summary of Amendment: House Committee Substitute 2

Summary Retain original provisions; provide that state funds shall not lapse during the operation of the program until the end of the 2029-2030 fiscal year; establish procedures for the return of any leftover moneys donated by grantors upon the end of the program; ensure the Commonwealth may recoup scholarship amounts; establish that recoupment amounts include reasonable attorney's fees and the interest rate is per annum; remove the bar against programs eligible for cost reimbursement under Medicaid; sunset the program on June 30, 2030.