The bill mandates the Kansas State Corporation Commission to establish and enforce a code of conduct and agricultural mitigation protocols for the development, construction, operation, and decommissioning of large energy facilities in rural areas. It defines key terms such as "battery energy storage system," "commercial solar energy conversion system," and "large energy facility," which includes various energy systems like solar and wind. The commission is required to consult with the Kansas Department of Agriculture to create these protocols, which will ensure transparency, landowner involvement, and fair compensation for any damages incurred during the energy projects.

Additionally, the bill stipulates that starting January 1, 2026, no large energy facility owner can begin site preparation or construction without obtaining a code of conduct permit from the commission. The permit application must confirm the owner's commitment to adhere to the established code of conduct and mitigation protocols. Violations of these provisions can result in civil penalties up to $10,000, and the commission has the authority to impose further conditions on permits to protect the rights of landowners and the public. The commission is also empowered to adopt rules and regulations to effectively administer these requirements.