The resolution from the Kansas legislature asserts the state's responsibility to safeguard individual liberties against potential overreach by the federal government. It highlights concerns regarding the national debt resulting from excessive federal spending and the imposition of unfunded federal mandates that infringe upon state rights and personal freedoms. In light of these issues, the resolution calls for a convention of states under Article V of the U.S. Constitution to propose amendments aimed at imposing fiscal restraints on the federal government, limiting its power and jurisdiction, and establishing term limits for federal officials.

Furthermore, the resolution emphasizes that any application for such a convention must receive a two-thirds majority vote from both houses of the Kansas legislature, as mandated by a state constitutional amendment. It declares this application as ongoing until at least two-thirds of the states have made similar requests. The resolution also instructs the Secretary of the Senate to distribute copies to relevant federal and state officials to ensure awareness and support for this initiative.