The resolution establishes comprehensive procedures for amending, suspending, or revoking joint rules within the legislative bodies, mandating prior notice and a majority vote for such actions. In cases where prior notice is not provided, a two-thirds majority is required. It also allows for concurrent resolutions to amend joint rules at the beginning of a legislative session without prior notice, contingent upon sponsorship by the speaker or president and timely distribution to members. Additionally, the resolution outlines the process for calling joint sessions, detailing the presiding officer's responsibilities, voting procedures, and record-keeping requirements.

Moreover, the resolution sets forth guidelines for conference committee procedures, including the handling of bills or resolutions returned with amendments, the composition and appointment of conference committees, and the reporting and voting requirements for committee reports. It specifies deadlines for the introduction and consideration of bills, indicating that bills introduced after certain deadlines in odd-numbered years will be deferred to the next even-numbered year session. The resolution also establishes a final deadline for bill consideration during regular sessions, with provisions for exceptions and the ability to suspend this deadline through majority votes. Lastly, it permits legislative committees to hold closed sessions to discuss security-related matters concerning state officers, employees, and property.