Session of 2024
House Resolution No. 6039
By Representatives Hill, Bergquist, Blex, Bloom, Bryce, Buehler, Butler, B.
Carpenter, Clifford, Collins, Croft, Dodson, Droge, Ellis, Estes, Fairchild, Garber,
Goddard, Goetz, Hawkins, Hoheisel, Houser, Howe, Howerton, Johnson, Lewis,
McDonald, Moser, Murphy, Owens, Poskin, Rhiley, Schmoe, Tarwater, Thomas,
Thompson, Titus, Turk and Waggoner

1 A RESOLUTION affirming Kansas' commitment to robust freedom of
2 expression with integrity and accountability and opposing the threat to
3 free and responsible speech.
5 WHEREAS, The First Amendment of the Constitution of the United
6 States protects the freedom of worship, speech, the press, assembly
7 and the right to petition our government; and
8 WHEREAS, Section 11 of the Bill of Rights of the Constitution of the
9 State of Kansas recognizes that the liberty of the press shall be
10 inviolate, and the same section affirms the right of all people to speak,
11 write and publish freely; and
12 WHEREAS, Section 11 of the Bill of Rights of the Constitution of the
13 State of Kansas also sets forth the responsibility of the people to not
14 abuse the freedom of speech in a defamatory, untruthful or grossly
15 negligent manner; and
16 WHEREAS, Censorship of protected speech in public forums, such as
17 public spaces on university campuses, is contrary to the purpose and
18 spirit of free speech; and
19 WHEREAS, The scope and ease of digital dissemination of defamatory
20 information increases the potential for harmful impact of such
21 information; and
22 WHEREAS, The Kansas Legislature recognizes that the public depends
23 on the accuracy and integrity of information providers: Now,
24 therefore,
25 Be it resolved by the House of Representatives of the State of Kansas:
26 That we affirm our commitment to freedom of the press and
27 encourage open and positive discourse; and
28 Be it further resolved: That we affirm to those who speak, write and
29 publish information of our responsibility to strengthen the public trust
30 in these liberties while avoiding the abuse thereof; and
31 Be it further resolved: That we commit ourselves to the same degree of
32 openness and integrity we expect of the general public; and
33 Be it further resolved: That we unequivocally state our commitment to
HR 6039 2

1 the United States Constitution and the Constitution of the great State
2 of Kansas; and
3 Be it further resolved: That the Chief Clerk of the House of
4 Representatives shall send enrolled copies of this resolution to the
5 director of the Kansas Press Association, Emily Bradbury, the owner
6 of the Marion County Record, Eric Meyer and Representative Hill.