As Amended by House Committee of the Whole

SB 438, as amended, would eliminate the requirement
to subtract other aid from the state payment in the
Accelerating Opportunity: Kansas (AO-K) Program.
The bill would allow all students in an AO-K Program to
receive the AO-K assistance benefit, rather than only those
pursuing high school equivalency.
The bill would also limit the payment provided for each
student to no more than $500 over the lifetime of the student.
[Note: Continuing law defines the AO-K program as a
career pathways program model that assists students in
obtaining a high school equivalency, becoming ready for
transferable college-level courses and earning an industry
The bill would be in effect upon publication in the
Kansas Register.

The bill was introduced by the Senate Committee on
Education at the request of Senator Dietrich on behalf of the
State Board of Regents.

*Supplemental notes are prepared by the Legislative Research
Department and do not express legislative intent. The supplemental
note and fiscal note for this bill may be accessed on the Internet at
Senate Committee on Education
In the Senate Committee hearing on February 14, 2024,
proponent testimony was provided by representatives of the
Goodwill Industries of Kansas and the State Board of
Regents (State Board). The proponents generally indicated
the bill would ensure that all AO-K students are eligible for the
state payment, up to $500 per student per institution over
their lifetime. According to testimony, in the last fiscal year,
Goodwill Industries of Kansas paid $11,931 out of pocket for
these required student materials.
No other testimony was provided.
The Senate Committee adopted a technical amendment
to specify that all students enrolled in an AO-K program shall
have reasonable access to all available student resources of
the adult education program, participating technical or
community colleges, and the appropriate community partners.

House Committee on Education
In the House Committee hearing on March 20, 2024,
proponent testimony was provided by a representative of the
State Board. The proponent’s testimony was substantially
similar to that provided to the Senate Committee on
Written-only proponent testimony was provided by a
representative of Goodwill Industries.
No other testimony was provided.

House Committee of the Whole
The House Committee of the Whole amended the bill to
change its effective date to upon publication in the Kansas

2- 438
Fiscal Information
According to the fiscal note prepared by the Division of
the Budget on the bill, the State Board is unable to estimate
exact funding that would be needed for additional students
and to pay for books, tools, or other required materials.
According to the State Board, Goodwill Industries of Kansas
estimates up to 350 students could take advantage of the
assistance that do not currently do so, which is estimated to
cost $175,000 in FY 2025. The Board states the $175,000
estimated increase could be covered within existing
resources. Any fiscal effect associated with enactment of the
bill is not reflected in The FY 2025 Governor’s Budget Report.
AO-K; accelerating opportunity: Kansas; postsecondary education

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Statutes affected:
As introduced: 74-32
As Amended by Senate Committee: 74-32
{As Amended by House Committee of the Whole}: 74-32