Division of the Budget
Landon State Office Building Phone: (785) 296-2436
900 SW Jackson Street, Room 504 adam.c.proffitt@ks.gov
Topeka, KS 66612 Division of the Budget http://budget.kansas.gov
Adam C. Proffitt, Director Laura Kelly, Governor
February 13, 2024
The Honorable Brenda Landwehr, Chairperson
House Committee on Health and Human Services
300 SW 10th Avenue, Room 112-N
Topeka, Kansas 66612
Dear Representative Landwehr:
SUBJECT: Fiscal Note for HB 2643 by House Committee on Health and Human Services
In accordance with KSA 75-3715a, the following fiscal note concerning HB 2643 is
respectfully submitted to your committee.
HB 2643 would enact the Laser Hair Removal Act. The bill would require laser hair removal
to be done by a healthcare professional, which would be defined as a physician, a physician assistant,
an advanced practice registered nurse, or a licensed professional nurse or practical nurse. For laser
hair removal that is not performed by the physician, the bill would require completion of a laser
practitioner training and education program for other healthcare professionals. The training would
be able to be completed internally at a laser hair removal facility or through a third party, if overseen
by a physician, and would be required to include not less than 40 total hours of training which could
be a combination of didactic training, in-person hands-on training, and performance of laser hair
removal procedures. The bill would also provide for a physician to be able to supervise an unlimited
number of physician assistants.
According to the Kansas State Board of Healing Arts, enactment of HB 2643 would
potentially increase the number of actionable complaints received by the agency. The agency states
it is likely new regulations would also need to be drafted and handled through the regulation process.
The agency was unable to estimate the total fiscal effect. The Kansas State Board of Nursing reports
that there would be no new revenue or expenditures for the agency related to passage of the bill. Any
fiscal effect associated with HB 2643 is not reflected in The FY 2025 Governor’s Budget Report.
Adam C. Proffitt
Director of the Budget
cc: Jill Simons, Board of Nursing
Susan Gile, Board of Healing Arts