As Amended by House Committee on
Agriculture and Natural Resources Budget
HB 2582, as amended, would increase the membership
of the Kansas Wildlife and Parks Commission (Commission)
from seven to nine members and change the appointing
authority for various members of the Commission. Currently,
the Governor appoints all seven members of the
Commission, with a maximum of four members from the
same political party.
The bill would authorize the following appointing
● Three members would be appointed by the
● Two members would be appointed by the Speaker
of the House;
● Two members would be appointed by the President
of the Senate; and
● Two members would be appointed by the Attorney
Additionally, the bill would specify that no more than two
members of the Commission could be residents of the same
fish and wildlife administration region and that at least one
member of the Commission would be from each of the fish
and wildlife administration regions.
*Supplemental notes are prepared by the Legislative Research
Department and do not express legislative intent. The supplemental
note and fiscal note for this bill may be accessed on the Internet at
The bill would state that in the appointment of members
of the Commission, each respective appointing authority
would be required to give consideration to only residents who:
● Within the previous five years, obtained a fishing or
hunting license, permit, stamp, or other issue of the
Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks (KDWP);
● Possess a lifetime fishing, hunting, furharvester, or
combination hunting and fishing license.
The bill was introduced by the House Committee on
Agriculture and Natural Resources Budget at the request of
Representative Corbet.
House Committee on Agriculture and Natural Resources
In the House Committee hearing, proponent testimony
was provided by representatives of Hunter Nation, Kansas
Outfitters and Landowners Association, and Kansas State
Rifle Association, a former Commission member, and several
private citizens. The proponents generally stated that
increasing membership would be beneficial because it would
increase the possibility of having commissioners with different
points of view. The proponents also stated having more
commissioners, along with requiring different appointing
authorities and different geographic locations of those
commissioners, will create a more representative sample of
Kansas as a whole.
Opponent testimony was provided by the Secretary of
Wildlife and Parks. The Secretary stated the current role of
the Commission is to provide a public forum for feedback on
potential rules and regulations and to serve in an advisory
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capacity to the Secretary and Governor in formulating policies
and plans relating to the KDWP.
Written-only opponent testimony was provided by a
representative of Backcountry Hunters and Anglers and
Audubon of Kansas.
Neutral testimony was provided by a representative of
The Nature Conservancy and a private citizen, who generally
stated indifference on the bill and outlined that experience or
education should be considered when making appointments
to the Commission.
The House Committee amended the bill to:
● Specify that no more than two members of the
Commission could be residents of the same fish
and wildlife administration region;
● Further specify that at least one member of the
Commission could be from each of the fish and
wildlife administration regions; and
● Consider only residents who have obtained a
license, permit, stamp, or other issue from the
KDWP in the last five years or have obtained a
lifetime license.
Fiscal Information
According to the fiscal note prepared by the Division of
the Budget on the bill, as introduced, the KDWP estimates
enactment of the bill would increase KDWP expenditures.
According to KDWP, the Commission meets no less than
seven times each year, and when considering per diem
compensation for each commissioner, per diem subsistence,
mileage claimed, and hotel stays, the total cost to KDWP is
estimated to be $4,758 for FY 2025 and $4,925 for FY 2026.
KDWP estimates additional expenditures could be absorbed
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within existing resources. The Office of the Attorney General
and the Legislature both state the bill would have no fiscal
Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks; Kansas Wildlife and Parks Commission;
commission membership
4- 2582
Statutes affected: As introduced: 32-805
As Amended by House Committee: 32-805