As Recommended by Senate Committee on
Public Health and Welfare

SB 314 would prohibit the Secretary of Health and
Environment (Secretary) from requiring a COVID-19 vaccine
for any child cared for in a child care facility, any student
enrolling or enrolled in a school for the first time in Kansas,
any child enrolling or enrolled for the first time in a preschool
or daycare program operated by a school, and any other such
students as may be designated by the Secretary, prior to
admission or attendance at school. The bill would define the
COVID-19 vaccine as an immunization, vaccination, or
injection against disease caused by a variant of the novel
coronavirus identified as SARS-CoV-2 or disease caused by
a variant of the virus. The bill would also make technical
[Note: “School,” as defined in continuing law pertaining
to student health (KSA 72-6261), means all elementary, junior
high, or high schools within the state.]
The bill would be in effect upon publication in the
Kansas Register.

The bill was introduced by the Senate Committee on
Federal and State Affairs at the request of Senator Blasi.

*Supplemental notes are prepared by the Legislative Research
Department and do not express legislative intent. The supplemental
note and fiscal note for this bill may be accessed on the Internet at
Senate Committee on Public Health and Welfare
In the Senate Committee hearing on March 22, 2023,
written-only proponent testimony was provided by a
Written-only neutral testimony was provided by a
representative of the Kansas Department of Health and
Environment (KDHE).
Opponent testimony was provided by representatives of
Immunize Kansas Coalition and Kansas Action for Children
who generally stated the need to protect the integrity of the
current process by which the immunization schedule is set for
childcare and school entry in Kansas and avoid placing the
entire required childhood vaccination list in question or risk.
The opponents noted there has been no consideration or
attempt by KDHE to add the COVID-19 vaccination to the
Kansas vaccination requirements or schedule.
Written-only opponent testimony was provided by
representatives of the Kansas Association of Local Health
Departments, Kansas Chapter of the American Academy of
Pediatrics, Kansas National Education Association, Kansas
Public Health Association, Nurture KC, and Sedgwick County
Health Department, a Norton County Republican Party
Chairperson, a Sedgwick County Precinct Committeeperson,
a Sedgwick County Republican Precinct Committeeperson,
and seven private citizens.

Fiscal Information
According to the fiscal note prepared by the Division of
the Budget on the bill, KDHE and the State Department of
Education indicate enactment of the bill would not have any
fiscal effect on the operations of either agency.
Public health; immunizations; COVID-19 vaccination; child care facility; school;
preschool; day care program; Secretary of Health and Environment

2- 314

Statutes affected:
As introduced: 65-508, 72-6262