As Amended by Senate Committee on Utilities

SB 284, as amended, would create the Blind Information
Access Act.

Contract for Services
The bill would require the State Librarian to estimate the
cost of entering into a contract with an organization that
delivers on-demand information access services (services) to
persons who are blind, visually impaired, deafblind, print
disabled, or who have another disability. The services would
provide access to digital content through:
● Audio;
● Electronic text and braille reading technologies;
● Other related services, including, but not limited to:
○ Kansas-specific publications;
○ National publications;
○ International publications;
○ Breaking news sources; and
○ Localized emergency weather alerts.
The services would be provided using
telecommunication services or internet services.
*Supplemental notes are prepared by the Legislative Research
Department and do not express legislative intent. The supplemental
note and fiscal note for this bill may be accessed on the Internet at
The State Librarian would be required to submit a report
to the Legislature and the Kansas Corporation Commission
on or before November 1 of each year that would specify the
estimate of the cost to enter into such a contract.

Funding for Services
The bill would require the State Librarian to certify the
cost to enter into or renew such a contract to the Director of
Accounts and Reports and the Administrator of the Kansas
Universal Service Fund (KUSF).
Upon receipt of the certification, the KUSF
Administration would make transfers, in 12 equal monthly
payments, from the KUSF to the State Treasurer, who would
credit that amount to the Blind Information Access Fund,
which would be created by the bill.
The bill would require that upon receipt of the certified
amount for the services, the State Librarian would enter into
or renew the contract for services.

Conforming and Technical Amendments
The bill would make conforming amendments to allow
for KUSF moneys to be used for services contracted pursuant
to New Section 1 of the bill.
The bill would also remove provisions of appropriations
acts for fiscal year 2013 and language pertaining to actions
taken by the State Treasurer and the Kan-ed Fund.

The bill was introduced by the Senate Committee on
Ways and Means at the request of Senator Pittman on behalf
of Senator Ware.

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Senate Committee on Utilities
In the Senate Committee hearing, proponent testimony
was provided by Senator Ware and two representatives of the
National Federation of the Blind of Kansas. The proponents
provided an overview of the different services that would be
made available through the State Library by enactment of the
bill and discussed information access funding issues.
Written-only proponent testimony was provided by a
representative of Envision and 18 private citizens.
Neutral testimony was provided by a representative of
the Kansas Corporation Commission. The representative
requested three technical amendments.
Written-only neutral testimony was provided by a
representative of the State Librarian.
No other testimony was provided.
The Senate Committee amended the bill to:
● Change the date on which the State Librarian is
required to submit an annual expenditures report to
on or before November 1, and include the Kansas
Corporation Commission as an entity to receive
such report;
● Require the KUSF Administrator to transfer 12
equal monthly payments to the State Treasurer,
who then would credit such amount to the Blind
Information Access Fund; and
● Make technical amendments.

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Fiscal Note
According to the fiscal note prepared by the Division of
the Budget on the bill, as introduced, the State Library
indicates enactment of the bill would increase its annual
expenditures by $99,000 from the Blind Information Access
Fund beginning in FY 2024. The agency’s estimate includes
$30,000 to contract with an organization to deliver on-
demand information access services; $54,000 in salaries and
wages for 1.0 FTE (full-time equivalent) position to promote
information access services to eligible individuals; and
$15,000 for expenses associated with outreach, periodical
subscriptions, and administrative costs.
The Kansas Corporation Commission indicated
enactment of the bill would have a negligible fiscal effect on
its operations.
Any fiscal effect associated with enactment of the bill is
not reflected in The FY 2024 Governor’s Budget Report.
Disability services; telecommunication and information access services; Blind
Information Access Act; State Librarian; blind; visually impaired; deafblind; Kansas
Universal Service Fund; Kansas Corporation Commission

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Statutes affected:
As introduced: 66-2010
As Amended by Senate Committee: 66-2010