As Recommended by House Committee on
Veterans and Military

HB 2378 would authorize and empower the Secretary of
Administration, on behalf of the Kansas Department for Aging
and Disability Services (KDADS), to convey by quitclaim deed
all rights, title, and interest in an approximate 15-acre parcel
of land in Shawnee County to the Kansas Commission on
Veterans Affairs Office (KCVAO). The legal description of the
land from which the 15-acre parcel would be chosen is
provided in the bill.
The bill would authorize the Secretary of Administration,
in consultation with the Secretary of Aging and Disability
Services and the Director of the KCVAO, to determine from
the legal description the specific 15-acre parcel of land that
would be conveyed.
The bill would not require appraisal, bid, or publication of
the property that is subject to the conveyance. The Attorney
General would be required to review and approve the legal
description, deeds, and conveyances prior to any transfer of
real estate that would be made pursuant to the bill.
The bill would make the conveyance of the real property
contingent upon the receipt of funding from the U.S.
Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) for the purpose of
constructing a new state veterans home facility located in
northeast Kansas, as authorized by legislation enacted by the
2022 Legislature. In the event the VA does not provide
*Supplemental notes are prepared by the Legislative Research
Department and do not express legislative intent. The supplemental
note and fiscal note for this bill may be accessed on the Internet at
funding through its construction grant program for fiscal year
2024, the conveyance of the real property would not occur.

The bill was introduced by the House Committee on
Veterans and Military at the request of a representative of

House Committee on Veterans and Military
In the House Committee hearing on February 14, 2023,
the Deputy Director of KCVAO testified as a proponent,
stating the bill would convey the plot of land in Topeka,
Kansas, that would be used for the new northeast Kansas
Veterans Home. Depending on the parcel of land that would
be transferred, KCVAO would be able to expand the Veterans
Home in the future, if needed.
No other testimony was provided.

Fiscal Information
According to the fiscal note prepared by the Division of
the Budget on the bill, the Department of Administration,
KCVAO, and KDADS all state that enactment of the bill would
not result in a fiscal effect on the operations of any of the
respective agencies. The Office of the Attorney General
states the agency’s review of the transfer documents could
be completed with existing resources.
Any fiscal effect associated with the bill is not reflected
in The FY 2024 Governor’s Budget Report.
Land conveyance; Shawnee County; Kansas Commission on Veterans Affairs Office;
Department of Administration, Kansas Department for Aging and Disability Services

2- 2378