As Amended by Senate Committee on Judiciary

HB 2326, as amended, would extend the sunset date on
the Scrap Metal Theft Reduction Act from July 1, 2023, to
July 1, 2028, and would specify “regulated scrap metal” under
the Act includes catalytic converters, as defined by the bill.
The bill would also prohibit scrap metal dealers to make
purchases from certain unauthorized sellers (as described by
the bill), of any catalytic converter that has a defaced
identification mark or owner-applied paint or identification
number; or has been intentionally altered by removing or
obliterating the make, model, or manufacturer’s number. The
bill would also prohibit the unauthorized sale of any by-
product or dust containing platinum, palladium, or rhodium
under the Act.
The bill would also make technical amendments to
ensure consistency in statutory phrasing.

The bill was introduced by the House Committee on
Judiciary at the request of a representative of the Kansas
Association of Chiefs of Police, Kansas Peace Officers
Association, and Kansas Sheriffs Association (law
enforcement associations).

*Supplemental notes are prepared by the Legislative Research
Department and do not express legislative intent. The supplemental
note and fiscal note for this bill may be accessed on the Internet at
House Committee on Judiciary
In the House Committee hearing on February 16, 2023,
a representative of the law enforcement associations
described above and representatives of the Kansas Bureau
of Investigation (KBI) and the Wichita Police Department
testified as proponents of the bill. Proponents stated the bill
is necessary to address the growing problem of catalytic
converter theft occurring throughout the state. Written-only
proponent testimony was provided by representatives of the
Kansas Automotive Dealers Association, the Kansas
Cooperative Council, and the National Insurance Crime
Bureau. No other testimony was provided.
The House Committee amended the bill to add a
definition of “catalytic converter.”

Senate Committee on Judiciary
In the Senate Committee hearing on March 14, 2023,
proponent testimony from representatives of the KBI,
Wichita Police Department, and law enforcement
associations who provided testimony similar to the hearing
before the House Committee. The representative of the
Wichita Police Department requested an amendment
regarding the purchase of catalytic converters by scrap metal
Written-only proponent testimony was provided by
representatives of the Kansas Automobile Dealers
Association,Kansas Cooperative Council, and AT&T Kansas;
and a representative of the Kansas Grain and Feed
Association, Renew Kansas Biofuels Association, and
Kansas Agribusiness Retailers Association.
The Senate Committee amended the bill to prohibit
scrap metal dealers from purchasing certain catalytic
converters and by-products or dust containing certain
precious metals.
2- 2326
Fiscal Information
According to the fiscal note prepared by the Division of
the Budget on the bill, as introduced, the KBI and the Office
of the Attorney General indicate enactment of the bill would
not have a fiscal effect.
Scrap Metal Theft Reduction Act; catalytic converters; by-product or dust; platinum;
palladium; rhodium

3- 2326

Statutes affected:
As introduced: 50-6
As Amended by House Committee: 50-6
As Amended by Senate Committee: 50-6
Enrolled - Law effective July 1, 2023: 50-6
Enrolled: 50-6