68-West–Statehouse | 300 SW 10th Ave. | Topeka, Kansas 66612-1504
(785) 296-3181
kslegres@klrd.ks.gov kslegislature.org/klrd
March 12, 2024
Sub. for HB 2273*, as recommended by the House Committee on Appropriations, contains FY 2024
supplemental funding, FY 2025 funding for most state agencies, and FY 2026 expenditures for certain
state agencies. Expenditures for the Kansas State Department of Education reflect the Governor’s
recommendation, pending approval of a House education plan. For the purposes of this report,
expenditures related to the Kansas State Schools for the Blind and Deaf, State Historical Society, and
State Library are included within the higher education function of government.
FY 2024 – The bill adjusts total state expenditures to $25.3 billion, including $10.0 billion SGF, for FY
2024. This is an all funds increase of $1.1 billion, or 4.3 percent, and a SGF increase of $1.2 billion, or
14.0 percent, above FY 2023 actual expenditures. Furthermore, this represents an all funds increase of
$120.7 million, or 0.5 percent, and a SGF increase of $32.0 million, or 0.3 percent, above base agency
expenditures in FY 2024.
FY 2025 – The bill includes expenditures totaling $25.1 billion, including $10.4 billion SGF, for FY
2025. This is an all funds decrease of $207.1 million, or 0.8 percent, but a SGF increase of $412.0 million,
or 4.1 percent, above adjusted expenditures in FY 2024. Furthermore, this represents an all funds
increase of $1.2 billion, or 4.9 percent, and a SGF increase of $738.7 million, or 7.7 percent, from base
agency expenditures for FY 2025.

Summary of Expenditures, FY 2018 Actuals–FY 2025 House
(Dollars in Millions)
$24,285.5 $25,339.1 $25,132.0
$25,000 $21,820.3 $22,528.5
$20,000 $15,945.0 $16,938.9
$15,000 $10,363.2
$8,727.1 $9,951.2
$7,032.8 $7,522.5 $7,267.8 $8,195.9
$10,000 $6,649.1
FY 2018 FY 2019 FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023 FY 2024 FY 2025
SGF All Funds

Fund FY 2018 FY 2019 FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023 FY 2024 FY 2025
SGF $ 6,649.1 $ 7,032.8 $ 7,522.5 $ 7,267.8 $ 8,195.9 $ 8,727.1 $ 9,951.2 $10,363.2
All Funds 15,945.0 16,938.9 19,423.7 21,820.3 22,528.5 24,285.5 25,339.1 25,132.0
* Includes expenditures for the Kansas State Department of Education as recommended by the Governor.
Kansas Legislative Research Department 1 March 12, 2024
Sub. for HB 2273* – All Funds Summary

Summary of All Funds Expenditures, FY 2022–FY 2025
(Dollars in Millions)
$25,789.3 $25,339.2 $26,071.4 $25,132.0
$25,000 $22,528.5
FY 2022 FY 2023 FY 2024 FY 2025
Actual Governor House

Actual Governor House Governor House
FY 2023 FY 2024 FY 2024 Change FY 2025 FY 2025 Change
Agriculture $ 250.2 $ 340.8 $ 340.8 $ - $ 325.2 $ 324.4 $ (0.9)
General Government 2,167.9 2,446.1 2,000.0 (446.0) 1,920.9 1,872.7 (48.2)
Human Services 7,914.4 8,682.7 8,682.7 - 9,085.1 8,588.7 (496.5)
K-12 6,597.9 6,749.3 6,749.3 - 6,629.4 6,629.4 -
Higher Education 3,630.9 4,354.6 4,340.5 (14.1) 4,316.4 4,337.5 21.1
Public Safety 867.6 972.1 982.1 10.0 1,317.9 897.9 (420.1)
Transportation 2,856.6 2,243.7 2,243.7 - 2,299.0 2,304.0 5.0
Other - - - - 177.5 177.5 -
TOTAL $24,285.5 $25,789.3 $25,339.1 $ (450.2) $26,071.4 $25,132.0 $ (939.4)

* Includes expenditures for the Kansas State Department of Education as recommended by the Governor.
Kansas Legislative Research Department 2 March 12, 2024
Sub. for HB 2273* – SGF Summary

Summary of SGF Expenditures, FY 2022–FY 2025
(Dollars in Millions)
$12,000 $10,693.9 $10,363.1
$10,400.7 $9,951.1
$10,000 $8,727.1
FY 2022 FY 2023 FY 2024 FY 2025
Actual Governor House

Actual Governor House Governor House
FY 2023 FY 2024 FY 2024 Change FY 2025 FY 2025 Change
Agriculture $ 19.0 $ 35.7 $ 35.7 $ - $ 29.3 $ 29.1 $ (0.3)
General Government 576.3 1,047.1 601.7 (445.4) 566.5 546.4 (20.2)
Human Services 2,195.1 2,885.4 2,885.4 - 2,673.3 2,787.1 113.8
K-12* 4,372.7 4,583.2 4,583.2 - 4,986.8 4,986.8 -
Higher Education 1,028.8 1,233.1 1,219.0 (14.1) 1,309.7 1,310.8 1.1
Public Safety 535.3 616.2 626.2 10.0 1,052.9 627.5 (425.4)
Transportation - - - - - - -
Other - - - - 75.5 75.5 -
TOTAL $ 8,727.1 $10,400.7 $ 9,951.2 $ (449.6) $10,693.9 $10,363.2 $ (330.8)

* Includes expenditures for the Kansas State Department of Education as recommended by the Governor.
Kansas Legislative Research Department 3 March 12, 2024
Summary of FTE Positions, FY 2018–FY 2025 House
FY 2018 FY 2019 FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023 FY 2024 FY 2025
Agriculture 1,245.0 1,252.7 1,265.4 1,289.9 1,299.9 1,236.0 1,263.0 1,267.0
General Government 5,222.1 5,349.5 5,397.6 5,450.9 5,612.3 5,763.7 5,802.0 5,824.5
Human Services 6,503.5 6,676.1 7,030.0 7,217.3 7,391.5 7,663.6 7,597.4 7,524.4
K-12* 257.5 267.3 264.2 261.9 262.6 258.3 267.9 267.9
Higher Education 19,050.3 19,262.1 19,362.5 19,311.9 19,393.5 19,754.0 20,175.5 20,172.5
Public Safety 5,216.9 5,234.5 5,058.1 4,946.1 4,954.4 5,075.5 5,136.9 5,177.1
Transportation 2,355.3 2,351.0 2,351.0 2,250.3 2,297.3 2,283.3 2,288.8 2,288.8
TOTAL 39,850.5 40,393.2 40,728.6 40,728.3 41,211.5 42,034.3 42,531.3 42,522.0

FY 2024 Overview
Sub. for HB 2273* adjusts total state expenditures to $25.3 billion, including $10.0 billion SGF. This
is an all funds increase of $1.1 billion, or 4.3 percent, and a SGF increase of $1.2 billion, or 14.0 percent,
above FY 2023 actual expenditures. Furthermore, this represents an all funds increase of $120.7 million,
or 0.5 percent, and a SGF increase of $32.0 million, or 0.3 percent, above base agency expenditures in
FY 2024.
Major additions to the FY 2024 budget include the following:
• $20.7 million SGF to cover the shortfall in contract nursing staff costs at Larned State
Hospital and Osawatomie State Hospital.
• $47.7 million SGF to pay off the remaining balance and debt obligation for bonds:
o $20.0 million SGF to call and pay off the remaining balance of Series 2016H bonds,
which refinanced prior obligations for a variety of capital improvement projects.
o $4.7 million SGF to defease and pay off the remaining balance of Series 2020S
bonds, which refinanced prior obligations for the National Bio and Agro-Defense
Facility and renovations to the Kansas Statehouse. The bill includes language
requiring State Finance Council approval before funds are released.
o $23.0 million SGF in FY 2024 to negotiate a tender offer and pay off debt obligations
on Series 2020K bonds, which transferred ownership of the Curtis State Office
Building and the DCF Topeka Service Center. The bill includes language requiring
State Finance Council approval before funds are released.
• $11.8 million, including $11.4 million SGF, to account for a shortfall in appropriations for
the Legislative Pay Plan in 2023 SB 25.
• $10.0 million SGF for the Career Campus match for the Lansing Correctional Facility.
• $7.0 million SGF to create and maintain a centralized electronic credentials verification
system pursuant to 2023 SB 66 in the Department of Administration.
• $6.6 million SGF for costs associated with the Kansas Department of Health and
Environment (KDHE) laboratory building, including equipment to increase capacity to test
drinking water ($410,000) and one-time expenditures associated with furnishing and moving
into the new laboratory ($6.2 million).

* Includes expenditures for the Kansas State Department of Education as recommended by the Governor.
Kansas Legislative Research Department 4 March 12, 2024
• $3.0 million SGF to adopt the Board of Indigents’ Defense Services revised assigned
counsel caseloads estimate.
• $3.4 million SGF for expenditures related to a security incident at the Judicial Branch,
including $1.0 million SGF to provide one year of credit monitoring services to individuals
• Language to reduce the statutory fee limit for Biennial Dentist License Renewal Fee from
$325 to $300, reduce the Biennial Hygienist License Renewal Fee from $160 to $150, and
reduce the Mobile Operation Registration Fee from $500 to $400 in FY 2024.
• Language that the chief executive officer of the state board of regents certify to the state
finance council that all money from the Kansas Comprehensive Grant be distributed in the
same proportionate amount as distributed in FY 2022. Upon certification the state finance
council will authorize expenditures totaling $14.1 million SGF to the Board of Regents for need
based funding.
The bill also includes the following lapses, deletions, and transfers:
• Delete $65.8 million, including $55.5 million SGF, to implement revised human services
caseloads estimates.
• Lapse $7.1 million SGF that was used to temporarily support the Kansas Modular Medicaid
System project.
• Transfer $30.0 million from the Legislative Employment Security Fund to the University of
Kansas and Wichita State University Health Collaboration Fund, split evenly between the
two agencies.

FY 2025 Overview
Sub. for HB 2273* includes expenditures totaling $25.1 billion, including $10.4 billion SGF, for FY
2025. This is an all funds decrease of $207.1 million, or 0.8 percent, but a SGF increase of $412.0 million,
or 4.1 percent, above adjusted expenditures in FY 2024. Furthermore, this represents an all funds
increase of $1.2 billion, or 4.9 percent, and a SGF increase of $738.7 million, or 7.7 percent, from base
agency expenditures for FY 2025.

* Includes expenditures for the Kansas State Department of Education as recommended by the Governor.
Kansas Legislative Research Department 5 March 12, 2024
Agriculture and Natural Resources
Summary of All Funds Expenditures, FY 2022–FY 2025
Agriculture and Natural Resources (Dollars in Millions)
$400 $340.8 $340.8 $325.2 $324.4
$300 $250.2
FY 2022 FY 2023 FY 2024 FY 2025
Actual Governor House

Sub. for HB 2273* appropriates $324.4 million, including $29.1 million SGF, for agriculture and
natural resource expenditures for FY 2025. This is an all funds decrease of $16.4 million, or 4.8 percent,
and a SGF decrease of $6.6 million, or 18.5 percent, above adjusted expenditures in FY 2024.
Furthermore, this represents an all funds increase of $13.3 million, or 4.3 percent, and a SGF increase
of $12.4 million, or 74.0 percent, from base agency expenditures for FY 2025.
Major additions to the FY 2025 budget include the following:
• $10.0 million for small town infrastructure assistance grants to support technical
assistance and drinking water and sewer system upgrades for towns with populations less
than 500.
• $3.5 million, all from the federal Highway Planning and Construction Fund, to continue
development of the Flint Hill Trail.
• $1.0 million SGF for the Local Farm to Food initiative to make local foods available for local
consumption through partnerships with food banks and producers.
• $50,000 SGF for contracted livestock brand investigators.

* Includes expenditures for the Kansas State Department of Education as recommended by the Governor.
Kansas Legislative Research Department 6 March 12, 2024
General Government
Summary of All Funds Expenditures, FY 2022–FY 2025
General Government (Dollars in Millions)
$2,500 $2,167.9
$1,996.9 $2,000.0 $1,920.9
$2,000 $1,872.7
FY 2022 FY 2023 FY 2024 FY 2025
Actual Governor House

Sub. for HB 2273* appropriates $1.9 billion, including $546.4 million SGF, for general government
expenditures for FY 2025. This is an all funds decrease of $127.3 million, or 6.4 percent, and a SGF
decrease of $55.3 million, or 9.2 percent, below adjusted expenditures in FY 2024. Furthermore, this
represents an all funds increase of $73.9 million, or 4.1 percent, and a SGF increase of $46.5 million, or
9.3 percent, from base agency expenditures for FY 2025.
Major additions to the FY 2025 budget include the following:
• $10.0 million, all from federal ARPA funds, for the 2026 World Cup games.
• $10.0 million SGF for the Moderate Income Housing program. This funding would support
housing and workforce development through a revolving loan opportunity.
• Add $16.9 million, all from special revenue funds, for housing and retail development in
Northwest Kansas.
• $7.0 million SGF for domestic violence prevention grants and Child Advocacy Center
grants, due to a federal funding shortfall.
• $5.0 million SGF for ongoing costs associated with the unemployment insurance
system, including for core and peripheral system maintenance as well as continued hourly
contract support after the go-live date.
• $4.5 million SGF for a dollar-for-dollar matching grant with non-State funding for a
Community Education and Health and Wellness Center project in downtown Kansas City,
• $4.0 million, all from federal ARPA funds, to provide small municipalities currently being served