Session of 2023
By Committee on Appropriations
1 AN ACT making and concerning appropriations for the fiscal years ending
2 June 30, 2023, and June 30, 2024, for state agencies; authorizing
3 certain transfers, capital improvement projects and fees, imposing
4 certain restrictions and limitations, and directing or authorizing certain
5 receipts, disbursements, procedures and acts incidental to the foregoing.
7 Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Kansas:
8 Section 1. (a) For the fiscal years ending June 30, 2023, and June 30,
9 2024, appropriations are hereby made, restrictions and limitations are
10 hereby imposed, and transfers, capital improvement projects, fees,
11 receipts, disbursements, procedures and acts incidental to the foregoing are
12 hereby directed or authorized as provided in this act.
13 (b) The agencies named in this act are hereby authorized to initiate
14 and complete the capital improvement projects specified and authorized by
15 this act or for which appropriations are made by this act, subject to the
16 restrictions and limitations imposed by this act.
17 (c) This act shall not be subject to the provisions of K.S.A. 75-
18 6702(a), and amendments thereto.
19 (d) The appropriations made in this act shall not be subject to the
20 provisions of K.S.A. 46-155, and amendments thereto.
21 Sec. 2.
23 (a) On the effective date of this act, the expenditure limitation
24 established for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2023, by section 8(b) of
25 chapter 81 of the 2022 Session Laws of Kansas on the bank commissioner
26 fee fund (094-00-2811) of the state bank commissioner is hereby increased
27 from $12,087,285 to $12,554,267.
28 Sec. 3.
30 (a) On the effective date of this act, the expenditure limitation
31 established for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2023, by section 2(b) of
32 chapter 97 of the 2022 Session Laws of Kansas on the board of barbering
33 fee fund (100-00-2704-0100) of the Kansas board of barbering is hereby
34 increased from $180,840 to $193,348.
35 Sec. 4.
HB 2274 2
1 (a) On the effective date of this act, the expenditure limitation
2 established for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2023, by section 3(a) of
3 chapter 97 of the 2022 Session Laws of Kansas on the board of nursing fee
4 fund (482-00-2716-0200) of the board of nursing is hereby increased from
5 $3,084,471 to $3,328,993.
6 Sec. 5.
8 (a) On the effective date of this act, the expenditure limitation
9 established for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2023, by section 4(a) of
10 chapter 97 of the 2022 Session Laws of Kansas on the state board of
11 pharmacy fee fund (531-00-2718-0100) of the state board of pharmacy is
12 hereby decreased from $3,273,406 to $2,457,604.
13 Sec. 6.
15 (a) On the effective date of this act, of the $752,411 appropriated for
16 the above agency for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2023, by section 22(a)
17 of chapter 81 of the 2022 Session Laws of Kansas from the state general
18 fund in the legislative coordinating council – operations account (422-00-
19 1000-0100), the sum of $67,896 is hereby lapsed.
20 (b) On the effective date of this act, of the $4,661,008 appropriated
21 for the above agency for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2023, by section
22 22(a) of chapter 81 of the 2022 Session Laws of Kansas from the state
23 general fund in the legislative research department – operations account
24 (425-00-1000-0103), the sum of $237,298 is hereby lapsed.
25 (c) On the effective date of this act, of the $4,132,662 appropriated
26 for the above agency for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2023, by section
27 22(a) of chapter 81 of the 2022 Session Laws of Kansas from the state
28 general fund in the office of revisor of statutes – operations account (579-
29 00-1000-0103), the sum of $431,521 is hereby lapsed.
30 Sec. 7.
32 (a) On the effective date of this act, of the $17,085,667 appropriated
33 for the above agency for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2023, by section
34 24(a) of chapter 81 of the 2022 Session Laws of Kansas from the state
35 general fund in the operations (including official hospitality) account (428-
36 00-1000-0103), the sum of $2,000,000 is hereby lapsed.
37 (b) On the effective date of this act, of the $6,327,654 appropriated
38 for the above agency for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2023, by section
39 24(a) of chapter 81 of the 2022 Session Laws of Kansas from the state
40 general fund in the legislative information system account (428-00-1000-
41 0300), the sum of $1,512,661 is hereby lapsed.
42 Sec. 8.
HB 2274 3
1 (a) On the effective date of this act, of the $3,477,553 appropriated
2 for the above agency for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2023, by section
3 26(a) of chapter 81 of the 2022 Session Laws of Kansas from the state
4 general fund in the operations (including legislative post audit committee)
5 account (540-00-1000-0100), the sum of $420,637 is hereby lapsed.
6 Sec. 9.
8 (a) There is appropriated for the above agency from the following
9 special revenue fund or funds for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2023, all
10 moneys now or hereafter lawfully credited to and available in such fund or
11 funds, except that expenditures other than refunds authorized by law shall
12 not exceed the following:
13 State match for federal funds fund....................................................No limit
14 Provided, That on the effective date of this act, during the fiscal year
15 ending June 30, 2023, the director of accounts and reports is hereby
16 authorized to create a special revenue fund for any state agency that is
17 requesting moneys from the state match for federal funds fund for the
18 purpose of any required state match to receive federal funds: Provided
19 further, That director of accounts and reports is hereby authorized to
20 transfer moneys from the state match for federal funds fund to such newly
21 created special revenue funds: And provided further, That all moneys
22 transferred to such newly created special revenue funds are appropriated
23 for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2023, with a no-limit expenditure
24 limitation and shall be expended by such state agencies for the purposes as
25 provided in the federal requirements: And provided further, That the
26 director of accounts and reports shall certify each such transfer to the
27 director of the budget and shall transmit a copy of each such newly created
28 special revenue fund and any transfer to any such special revenue funds to
29 the director of legislative research.
30 Infrastructure leveraging fund..........................................................No limit
31 Provided, That on the effective date of this act, during the fiscal year
32 ending June 30, 2023, the director of accounts and reports is hereby
33 authorized to create a special revenue fund for any state agency that is
34 requesting moneys from the infrastructure leveraging fund for the purpose
35 for which such funds are requested: Provided further, That director of
36 accounts and reports is hereby authorized to transfer moneys from the
37 infrastructure leveraging fund to such newly created special revenue funds:
38 And provided further, That all moneys transferred to such newly created
39 special revenue funds are appropriated for the fiscal year ending June 30,
40 2023, with a no-limit expenditure limitation and shall be expended by such
41 state agencies for the purposes as provided in the request: And provided
42 further, That the director of accounts and reports shall certify each such
43 transfer to the director of the budget and shall transmit a copy of each such
HB 2274 4
1 newly created special revenue fund and any transfer to any such special
2 revenue funds to the director of legislative research.
3 (b) On the effective date of this act, the director of accounts and
4 reports shall transfer $50,000,000 from the state general fund to the state
5 match for federal funds fund.
6 (c) On the effective date of this act, the director of accounts and
7 reports shall transfer $220,000,000 from the state general fund to the
8 infrastructure leveraging fund.
9 Sec. 10.
11 (a) There is appropriated for the above agency from the state general
12 fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2023, the following:
13 Assigned counsel expenditures (328-00-1000-0700)...................$1,299,184
14 Sec. 11.
16 (a) On the effective date of this act, of the $17,328,850 appropriated
17 for the above agency for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2023, by section
18 16(a) of chapter 97 of the 2022 Session Laws of Kansas from the state
19 general fund in the judiciary operations account (677-00-1000), the sum of
20 $1,944,998 is hereby lapsed.
21 Sec. 12.
23 (a) On the effective date of this act, the expenditure limitation for
24 official hospitality established for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2023, by
25 section 45(a) of chapter 81 of the 2022 Session Laws of Kansas on the
26 operating expenditures account (058-00-1000-0103) of the state general
27 fund of the Kansas human rights commission is hereby increased from
28 $200 to $400.
29 Sec. 13.
31 (a) On the effective date of this act, the expenditure limitation
32 established for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2023, by section 47(a) of
33 chapter 81 of the 2022 Session Laws of Kansas on the utility regulatory
34 fee fund (122-00-2030-2000) of the citizens' utility ratepayer board is
35 hereby increased from $1,197,623 to $1,372,074.
36 (b) During the fiscal year ending June 30, 2023, the provisions of
37 section 47(b) of chapter 81 of the 2022 Session Laws of Kansas
38 concerning the utility regulatory fee fund shall apply to the increased
39 expenditure limitation in subsection (a).
40 Sec. 14.
42 (a) On the effective date of this act, the $150,000 appropriated for the
43 above agency for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2023, by section 49(a) of
HB 2274 5
1 chapter 81 of the 2022 Session Laws of Kansas from the state general fund
2 in the gubernatorial transition account (173-00-1000-0620) is hereby
3 lapsed.
4 (b) On the effective date of this act, the $15,000 appropriated for the
5 above agency for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2023, by section 49(a) of
6 chapter 81 of the 2022 Session Laws of Kansas from the state general fund
7 in the cedar crest transition reimbursement account (173-00-1000-0630) is
8 hereby lapsed.
9 (c) There is appropriated for the above agency from the state general
10 fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2023, the following:
11 Cedar crest gubernatorial expenses (173-00-1000)...........................$15,000
12 (d) On the effective date of this act, the expenditure limitation for
13 salaries and wages and other operating expenditures established for the
14 fiscal year ending June 30, 2023, by section 49(c) of chapter 81 of the
15 2022 Session Laws of Kansas on the health benefits administration
16 clearing fund – remit admin service org (173-00-7746-7746) of the
17 department of administration is hereby decreased from $14,173,400 to
18 $9,386,000.
19 (e) On the effective date of this act, the expenditure limitation for
20 salaries and wages and other operating expenditures established for the
21 fiscal year ending June 30, 2023, by section 49(c) of chapter 81 of the
22 2022 Session Laws of Kansas on the state workers compensation self-
23 insurance fund (173-00-6170-6170) of the department of administration is
24 hereby increased from $4,709,909 to $5,300,179.
25 (f) On the effective date of this act, the expenditure limitation for
26 salaries and wages and other operating expenditures established for the
27 fiscal year ending June 30, 2023, by section 49(c) of chapter 81 of the
28 2022 Session Laws of Kansas on the dependent care assistance program
29 fund (173-00-7740-7799) of the department of administration is hereby
30 decreased from $257,284 to $175,000.
31 (g) On the effective date of this act, the director of accounts and
32 reports shall transfer $500,000,000 from the state general fund to the
33 budget stabilization fund (173-00-1600-1600): Provided, That the transfer
34 of such amount shall be in addition to any other transfer from the state
35 general fund to the budget stabilization fund as prescribed by law.
36 (h) On the effective date of this act, of the $325,000 appropriated for
37 the above agency for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2023, by section 49(k)
38 of chapter 81 of the 2022 Session Laws of Kansas from the state
39 institutions building fund in the SIBF – state building insurance account
40 (173-00-8100-8920) the sum of $112,297 is hereby lapsed.
41 Sec. 15.
43 (a) During the fiscal year ending June 30, 2023, in addition to the
HB 2274 6
1 other purposes for which the above agency may make expenditures from
2 moneys appropriated from the information technology fund (335-00-6110-
3 4030) as authorized by section 50(b) of chapter 81 of the 2022 Session
4 Laws of Kansas, this or any other appropriation act of the 2023 regular
5 session of the legislature, the above agency may make expenditures from
6 such moneys in an amount not to exceed $1,000 for official hospitality.
7 Sec. 16.
9 (a) There is appropriated for the above agency from the state general
10 fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2023, the following:
11 Operating expenditures (562-00-1000-0103)....................................$71,860
12 IT modernization.............................................................................$590,000
13 Provided, For the fiscal year ending June 30, 2023, the director of the
14 budget shall determine the amount of moneys from any federal law that
15 appropriates moneys to the state for aid for coronavirus relief that are
16 eligible to be used for information technology modernization projects, may
17 be expended at the discretion of the state in compliance with the office of
18 management and budget's uniform administrative requirements, cost
19 principles and audit requirements for federal awards, and are
20 unencumbered: Provided further, That, of such identified moneys, the
21 director of the budget shall determine the remaining moneys available in
22 special revenue funds: And provided further, That if the above agency, in
23 consultation with the director of the budget, determines that federal
24 moneys to the state for aid for coronavirus relief are available during fiscal
25 year 2023 to be used for such information technology modernization
26 project, the director of the budget shall certify the amount of such federal
27 coronavirus relief moneys from each fund to the director of accounts and
28 reports, and upon receipt of each such certification, or as soon thereafter as
29 moneys are available, the director of accounts and reports shall
30 immediately transfer an aggregate amount of up to $590,000 as available
31 from such funds to the special revenue fund of the state board of tax
32 appeals and as designated by the executive director of the state board of
33 tax appeals for the purpose of funding such informational technology
34 modernization: And provided further, That on the effective date of such
35 transfer, of the $590,000 appropriated for the above agency for the fiscal
36 year ending June 30, 2023, in the IT modernization account, the aggregate
37 amount transferred is hereby lapsed: And provided further, That at the
38 same time as the director of the budget transmits certification to the
39 director of accounts and reports, the director of the budget shall transmit a
40 copy of such certification to the director of legislative research.
41 Sec. 17.
43 (a) On the effective date of this act, the expenditure limitation
HB 2274 7
1 established for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2023, by section 57(b) of
2 chapter 81 of the 2022 Session Laws of Kansas on the division of vehicles
3 operating fund (565-00-2089-2020) of the department of revenue is hereby
4 increased from $51,031,404 to $51,591,790.
5 Sec. 18.
7 (a) On the effective date of this act, the aggregate of the amounts
8 authorized by section 58(b) of chapter 81 of the 2022 Session Laws of
9 Kansas to be transferred from the lottery operating fund (450-00-5123-
10 5100) to the state gaming revenues fund (173-00-9011-9100) during the
11 fiscal year ending June 30, 2023, is hereby increased from $67,990,000 to
12 $69,490,000.
13 Sec. 19.