Division of the Budget
Landon State Office Building Phone: (785) 296-2436
900 SW Jackson Street, Room 504 adam.c.proffitt@ks.gov
Topeka, KS 66612 Division of the Budget http://budget.kansas.gov
Adam Proffitt, Director Laura Kelly, Governor
January 25, 2023
The Honorable William Sutton, Chairperson
House Committee on Insurance
300 SW 10th Avenue, Room 218-N
Topeka, Kansas 66612
Dear Representative Sutton:
SUBJECT: Fiscal Note for HB 2095 by House Committee on Insurance
In accordance with KSA 75-3715a, the following fiscal note concerning HB 2095 is
respectfully submitted to your committee.
HB 2095 would change the definition of large and small employers of group health benefit
plans for autism spectrum disorder coverage. “Small employer” would be changed from an
employer who employs an average of one but no more than 100 employees to two but no more
than 50 employees. “Large employer” would be changed from an average of at least 101
employees to at least 51 employees.
The Kansas Insurance Department, the Kansas Association of Counties, and the League of
Kansas Municipalities all state that the bill would not have a fiscal effect.
Adam Proffitt
Director of the Budget
cc: Bobbi Mariani, Insurance Department
Wendi Stark, League of Kansas Municipalities
Jay Hall, Kansas Association of Counties
Statutes affected: As introduced: 40-2