As Recommended by Senate Committee on
Agriculture and Natural Resources
Senate Sub. for HB 2102 would update Kansas Egg
Law regarding repackaged eggs. [Note: “Repackaging eggs”
means removing a broken or dirty egg from a carton and
replacing it with an unbroken and clean egg, as long as
certain requirements in continuing law are met.]
The bill would specify that an inspection fee on all
graded eggs sold, offered, or exposed for sale or distributed
would be paid only once on eggs remaining in the eggs’
original container or have been repackaged in accordance
with law and are graded higher than Grade B.
The bill would also clarify which requirements would
need to be met for repackaged eggs, repackaged eggs that
may be graded higher than Grade B, and repackaged eggs to
be graded Grade B.
The bill would replace the word “repacked” with
“repackaged” and make technical changes, including
updating terminology, rearranging subsections, and allowing
for numbering changes.
The bill was introduced by the House Committee on
Agriculture at the request of a representative of WalMart.
*Supplemental notes are prepared by the Legislative Research
Department and do not express legislative intent. The supplemental
note and fiscal note for this bill may be accessed on the Internet at
[Note: The bill contains provisions similar to those of
2020 HB 2464, as amended by the House Committee on
Agriculture, passed by the House, and recommended by the
Senate Committee on Agriculture and Natural Resources.]
House Committee on Agriculture
In the House Committee hearing, the Deputy Secretary
of Agriculture and a representative of Walmart provided
proponent testimony on the bill, stating the bill would clarify
amendments to the Kansas Egg Law in 2018 regarding the
requirements of repackaging eggs of certain grades by
Written-only proponent testimony was provided by a
representative of Hy-Vee, Inc.
No other testimony was provided.
Senate Committee on Agriculture and Natural Resources
In the Senate Committee hearing, the Deputy Secretary
of Agriculture and a representative of Walmart provided
proponent testimony on the bill.
No other testimony was provided.
The Senate Committee amended the bill to:
● Specify an inspection fee would be paid only once
on the same quantity of eggs so long as the eggs
have been repackaged in accordance with law and
are graded higher than Grade B;
● Clarify and rearrange certain requirements for
repackaged eggs, repackaged eggs that may be
graded higher than Grade B, and repackaged eggs
to be graded Grade B; and
2- 2102
● Make technical amendments.
The Senate Committee recommended a substitute bill
be passed incorporating its amendments.
Fiscal Information
According to the fiscal note prepared by the Division of
the Budget on the bill, as introduced, the Kansas Department
of Agriculture indicates enactment of the bill would have no
fiscal effect on agency operations.
Kansas Egg Law; eggs; repackaging
3- 2102
Statutes affected: As introduced: 2-2510
Version 2: 2-2507, 2-2510
Enrolled: 2-2507, 2-2510