Defines "Social Security number search request" (search request) as a request made by a consumer to a consumer reporting agency to conduct a search of all files maintained by the consumer reporting agency to determine if the consumer's Social Security number is associated with one or more consumer credit files not associated with the consumer. Provides that after December 31, 2025, upon receiving a search request from a consumer, a consumer reporting agency shall fulfill the consumer's search request if the consumer reporting agency: (1) maintains a file on the consumer; and (2) receives: (A) proper identification from the consumer; and (B) the consumer's written and signed consent for the consumer reporting agency to verify with the Social Security Administration that the consumer's Social Security number belongs to the consumer. Provides that in fulfilling a search request, a consumer reporting agency shall: (1) verify with the Social Security Administration that the Social Security number supplied by the consumer belongs to the consumer; (2) conduct a search of all files maintained by the consumer reporting agency to determine if the consumer's Social Security number is associated with one or more files not associated with the consumer; and (3) if the search indicates that the consumer's Social Security number is associated with any files not associated with the consumer, provide information as to: (A) the number of such files; and (B) each person that procured a consumer report in connection with those files during the one year period immediately preceding the date of the consumer's search request. Prohibits a consumer reporting agency from: (1) charging a consumer an additional fee in connection with a search request; (2) increasing any fee lawfully imposed in connection with the consumer's request for information in the consumer's file because that request includes a search request; or (3) charging a consumer a fee in connection with the consumer's request for information in the consumer's file because that request includes a search request, if the consumer is entitled under the federal Fair Credit Reporting Act to receive the information in the consumer's file without charge.