Allows the town of Plainfield in Hendricks County to annex: (1) a noncontiguous residential development; and (2) the right-of-way of a public highway connecting the development to the town. Provides that the annexation is initiated by: (1) the homeowner's association board petitioning the town legislative body for annexation of the residential development; and (2) the town legislative body adopting a resolution approving initiation of the annexation process. Provides that the Town of Plainfield redevelopment commission may only enact a housing tax increment financing district in Liberty Township in Hendricks County if the district is approved by a resolution passed by the Mill Creek School Corporation.
Statutes affected: Introduced House Bill (H): 36-4-3-4, 36-4-3-5.2
House Bill (H): 36-4-3-4, 36-4-3-5.2