Requires a manufacturer of a consumer electronic device or a piece of agricultural equipment that is sold in Indiana, subject to certain exceptions, to: (1) provide to an independent service provider, or to the owner of the consumer electronic device or agricultural equipment (owner), any service documentation the manufacturer provides to its authorized service providers; and (2) make available for purchase, upon reasonable terms, any service part the manufacturer provides to its authorized service providers. Provides that a manufacturer that sells service documentation to an independent service provider or owner: (1) in a format that is standardized with respect to comparable information supplied by manufacturers of comparable consumer electronic devices or agricultural equipment; and (2) under terms and conditions more favorable than the terms and conditions under which the manufacturer provides the information to an authorized service provider; may not require an authorized service provider to purchase the service documentation in a proprietary format unless the proprietary format includes content or functionality that is not available in the standardized format. Provides that a violation of the requirements is: (1) actionable by the attorney general; and (2) subject to the remedies and penalties that apply to a deceptive consumer sales practice.

Statutes affected:
Introduced House Bill (H): 24-5-0.5-3