Provides that an application to obtain or renew a motor vehicle driver's license or permit or an identification card serves as a voter registration application unless the applicant expressly declines on the application to register to vote. Provides that a voter becomes registered to vote when the county voter registration office determines the voter appears to be eligible to vote at the address on the voter's voter registration application. Permits a voter who is qualified to vote in person to vote by absentee ballot. Removes all other qualifications for a voter to vote by absentee ballot except for a voter with disabilities who is unable to make a voting mark on the ballot or sign the absentee ballot secrecy envelope. (Such a voter with a disability is currently required to vote before an absentee voter board.) Provides that an elderly voter or a voter with disabilities may apply for permanent absentee voter status. Provides that absentee ballots would be sent automatically to voters who have permanent absentee voter status. Makes conforming changes.
Statutes affected: Introduced Senate Bill (S): 3-7-14-4, 3-7-14-5, 3-7-14-6, 3-7-14-9, 3-7-14-11, 3-7-14-12, 3-7-14-14, 3-7-14-15, 3-7-26.3-23, 3-7-33-3, 3-11-4-1, 3-11-4-2, 3-11-4-18, 3-11-10-24, 9-24-2.5-4