Amends the definition of Class I wetland to provide that, to be categorized as a Class I wetland, a wetland must be determined by a hydrologist to possess no significant hydrologic function. Defines "hydrologic function" as the capacity of a wetland to store floodwaters by spreading water out over a large, flat area, which decreases runoff velocity, reduces flood peaks, and distributes stormflows over longer time periods. Provides that a wetland that meets the other conditions of the definition of "Class I wetland" but is not determined by a hydrologist to possess no significant hydrologic function is a Class II wetland. Provides that, for purposes of the law on state regulated wetlands, the existence of a wetland and the wetland class of a wetland shall be determined through use of: (1) the National Wetlands Inventory produced by the United States Fish and Wildlife Service and made available by the department of environmental management on the Internet for public use; and (2) the soil data and other information available through the Web Soil Survey website operated by the Natural Resources Conservation Service of the United States Department of Agriculture.
Statutes affected: Introduced House Bill (H): 13-11-2-25.8, 13-18-22-2