Provides, after December 31, 2024, the following protections to an individual who is less than 65 years of age and is eligible for and enrolled in Medicare by reason of a disability or having end stage renal disease: (1) Requires an issuer of Medicare supplement policies or certificates (issuer) to make available to the individual the equivalent Medicare supplement policy or certificate that the issuer makes available to a person at least 65 years of age. (2) Provides that an issuer required to make a Medicare supplement policy or certificate available to the individual is prohibited from denying, conditioning the issuance or effectiveness of, or discriminating in the pricing of a Medicare supplement policy or certificate for the individual because of the health status, claims experience, receipt of health care, or medical condition of the individual, subject to certain conditions. (3) Prohibits an issuer: (A) from charging the individual a premium rate for a Medicare supplement policy or certificate that exceeds the premium rate the issuer charges an individual who is 65 years of age; or (B) from issuing to the individual a Medicare supplement policy or certificate that contains a waiting period or a preexisting condition limitation or exclusion; subject to certain conditions.

Statutes affected:
Introduced House Bill (H): 27-8-13-9