Provides that the amount of the gasoline excise tax and special fuel tax revenue that is derived from the annual 1% inflationary increase during the state budget biennium shall be distributed to recipients under the motor fuel tax fund of the motor vehicle highway account based on the vehicle miles traveled in the unit compared to vehicle miles traveled in the state, but not including interstate vehicle miles traveled. Appropriates money from the state general fund to the Indiana department of transportation in an amount necessary to repay all outstanding debt obligations as of June 30, 2023, that are financed with money in the crossroads 2000 fund. Provides that, beginning July 1, 2023, money in the crossroads 2000 fund must be used for projects only in urban areas, as defined by the United States Census Bureau. Authorizes Marion County to establish a local road funding district (district) to capture 20% of the incremental local income tax (LIT) revenue of the county (not including LIT revenue obligated for debt service). Requires the Marion County treasurer to establish a Marion County roads and bridges fund (fund) if a district is established. Provides that the incremental LIT revenue captured in the district shall be deposited in the fund and used for the preservation and reconstruction of roads and bridges of thoroughfares in Marion County that cross into an adjacent county. Prohibits any additional funding for a professional soccer stadium project until and unless certain conditions are met. Amends the maximum grant amount from the local road and bridge matching grant fund based on annual vehicle miles traveled in the local unit. Provides that, if the city-county council in Marion County adopts a maximum county vehicle excise tax or a maximum county wheel tax, then the transportation infrastructure improvement fees that are attributable to motor vehicles registered in Marion County shall be transferred to the Marion County treasurer for deposit in a separate account to be used for the preservation and reconstruction of roadways in Marion County. Requires the Indiana department of transportation to reacquire certain portions of roadways in Marion County that were previously designated as a state highway for administration in the state highway system, to occur before January 1, 2030. Provides that, for purposes of determining the right of the consolidated city of Indianapolis to receive a distribution of money from the motor vehicle highway account based on population, the population of all the territory of the consolidated city is considered its population. Specifies that the board of directors of an urban mass transportation system may incorporate services of a "transportation network company" or "TNC" that connects riders to individuals for prearranged rides through a digital network exchange as a part of its urban mass transportation system within the taxing district of the corporation. Makes an appropriation.
Statutes affected: Introduced House Bill (H): 6-6-1.1-201, 6-6-1.1-502, 6-6-2.5-28, 6-6-2.5-68, 8-14-10-9, 8-23-30-8, 9-18.1-15-3