Requires the law enforcement training board to establish minimum standards for basic training and annual inservice training that address the mental health and wellness of law enforcement officers. Requires the executive training program to include training in mental health and wellness and suicide prevention of law enforcement officers. Provides that the mental health and wellness training may be provided online or by other means of virtual instruction. Provides that full-time firefighters' minimum training and annual training requirements must include mental health and wellness training. Requires certain persons who provide emergency medical services to obtain mental health and wellness training as a condition of licensure and certification.

Statutes affected:
Introduced House Bill (H): 5-2-1-9
House Bill (H): 5-2-1-9, 16-31-2-9, 16-31-3-2, 36-8-10.5-7
House Bill (S): 5-2-1-9, 16-31-3-2, 16-31-3-10, 36-8-10.5-7, 16-31-2-9
Enrolled House Bill (H): 5-2-1-9, 16-31-3-2, 16-31-3-10, 36-8-10.5-7