Introduced Version
Introduced by: Gore
1 A HOUSE RESOLUTION congratulating the Beech Grove
2 Comprehensive Drug-Free Coalition.
3 Whereas, The Beech Grove Comprehensive Drug-Free
4 Coalition (CDFC) was established as an all-volunteer
5 nonprofit organization in 2017;
6 Whereas, The CDFC works tirelessly to establish and
7 strengthen community collaboration in support of local efforts
8 to prevent youth substance misuse through strategies that
9 reduce bullying, violence, and ease of youth access to alcohol,
10 tobacco, and other drugs;
11 Whereas, The CDFC has expanded across 35 community
12 partners in Beech Grove and Marion County since 2017;
13 Whereas, The CDFC will receive $125,000 annually over the
HR 1517/DI 133 2021
1 course of five years, totaling $625,000 in federal funding for its
2 BG Youth Prevention initiative;
3 Whereas, The new funding will be used in a comprehensive
4 seven-point strategy to reduce youth substance misuse in the
5 community, including: education initiatives for youth, parents,
6 and guardians; mental health and addiction services, including
7 support groups; and policy and enforcement initiatives shared
8 by local government, businesses, and the community; and
9 Whereas, The CDFC has been recognized and supported at
10 the national level to further their mission in support of youth
11 and their families across Indiana: Therefore,
12 Be it resolved by the House of Representatives of the
13 General Assembly of the State of Indiana:
14 SECTION 1. That the Indiana House of Representatives
15 recognizes the Beech Grove Comprehensive Drug-Free
16 Coalition (CDFC) for its contributions to the community.
17 SECTION 2. That the Indiana House of Representatives
18 congratulates the CDFC for receiving federal funding to further
19 support programs to address youth substance misuse in Indiana.
20 SECTION 3. That the Principal Clerk of the House of
21 Representatives shall transmit copies of this resolution to the
22 office of State Representative Mitch Gore for distribution.
HR 1517/DI 133 2021