Introduced Version
A SENATE RESOLUTION congratulating the Bishop
Dwenger girls soccer team on winning the 2020 Indiana High
School Athletic Association ("IHSAA") Class 2A state
championship title.
, re ad first time and referred to Committee on
2020 RR 3511/DI NM
Second Regular Session 121st General Assembly (2020)
I offer the following resolution and move its adoption:
1 A SENATE RESOLUTION congratulating the Bishop
2 Dwenger girls soccer team on winning the 2020 Indiana High
3 School Athletic Association ("IHSAA") Class 2A state
4 championship title.
5 Whereas, The Bishop Dwenger High School girls soccer
6 team captured the 2020 IHSAA Class 2A championship title by
7 beating Indianapolis Cathedral High School;
8 Whereas, The team consists of teammates Cecilia Garrett,
9 Karley O'Leary, Callie Burns, Avery Ledo, Megan Guzhnay,
10 Grace Morris, Leah Reese, Evelyn Harkenrider, Ellen Hartzog,
11 Augusta A'Hearn, Kelly Connolly, Ava Slater, Lucy Bryan,
12 Isabelle Sherman, Faith Lewis, Emma Farrar, Lily Haraburda,
13 McKenna Kleinrichert, Grace Hein, Erynn Burns, Karly Ewing,
14 and Sophia Sordelet;
15 Whereas, To earn their spot in the state championship
16 match, the Saints defeated the Yorktown Tigers in the regional
17 championship, and the Culver Eagles in the semi-state
18 championship;
19 Whereas, Fighting for the state title, the two teams were
2020 RR 3511/DI NM
1 deadlocked throughout regulation time and two overtime
2 periods, until teammate Grace Morris outshot the Irish in the
3 first round of sudden-death, clinching the win for the Saints;
4 Whereas, Though Cathedral had a chance to take the state
5 title on its final penalty kick in the first penalty kick shootout,
6 Saints goalkeeper Cecilia Garrett made a quick save to her left,
7 forcing the sudden-death round;
8 Whereas, The Saints, led by coach James McCaig, finished
9 the season with a 17-0-1 record and earned the school's first
10 state championship in girls soccer since 2006; and
11 Whereas, Bishop Dwenger's hard work, grit, and
12 determination were key to the team's success in winning the
13 state title: Therefore,
14 Be it resolved by the Senate of the
15 General Assembly of the State of Indiana:
17 SECTION 1. That the Indiana Senate congratulates the
18 Bishop Dwenger High School girls soccer team on winning the
19 2020 IHSAA Class 2A State Championship.
20 SECTION 2. The Secretary of the Senate is hereby directed
21 to transmit copies of this Resolution to each member of the
22 Bishop Dwenger High School girls soccer team.
2020 RR 3511/DI NM