Amends the Environmental Protection Act. In a provision concerning the conditions for payment from the Underground Storage Tank Fund, provides that, in the case of any approved plan and budget for which payment is being sought, the Environmental Protection Agency shall make a payment determination within 120 days of receipt of both the complete application for payment and the report documenting completion of the activities approved in the plan, whichever is received later (rather than within 120 days after receipt of the application). Provides that, for underground storage tank releases reported before June 8, 2010, an owner or operator may access the Underground Storage Tank Fund for costs that are associated with an Agency-approved plan and that are incurred after the effective date of the amendatory Act after application of a $10,000 deductible (now, other deductibles are owed in some circumstances). Provides that the deductible shall be reduced by any deductible amount applied to costs incurred before the effective date of the amendatory Act.
Statutes affected: Introduced: 415 ILCS 5/57