Creates the Illinois Workers' Rights and Worker Safety Act. Provides that, except as authorized by State law enacted after January 19, 2025, a State agency may not amend or revise its rules relating to the protection of workers' rights or worker safety in a manner less stringent than specified federal laws. Provides that a State agency may establish workers' rights and worker safety standards that are more stringent than those provided in federal law as the federal law existed on January 19, 2025. Provides that, to the extent a federal law existing on January 19, 2025 is more stringent than a State agency's corresponding standards or rules in its protection of workers' rights or worker safety, or to the extent that there are no State agency standards or rules in place corresponding with a federal law, a State agency shall, as a minimum standard, continue to observe and enforce those workers' rights and worker safety standards provided in federal law as the federal law existed on January 19, 2025. Provides for reporting requirements. Repeals the Act on January 20, 2029.